Thunder Bay, Ontario
16-17 March 1998
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – 18 March draft
1. Walleye Stocking, Milwaukee, WI
The LMC felt no need to comment on WDNR’s proposed walleye stocking in Milwaukee River and estuary. (A constituent was concerned re predation on salmon.) Small numbers of walleye would be stocked for rehabilitation purposes.
2. State of the Lake Conference
The LMC will review for appropriate elements formats used by other Lake Committees in their state of the lake reports. It deferred discussion of state of the lake conference organization and scheduling to the CLC meeting.
3. HAB Assistance with Environmental Objectives
The LMC will not ask for HAB assistance at this time as they expect that the LSC and LEC will have proposals.
4. Underwater Logging
While not an issue for IL and IN, underwater logging is of concern for WI in Lake Superior and northern L. Michigan. There is question in MI waters re ownership of logs and therefore MDEQ’s permit requirements.
WI found 75-90% of logs are hemlock and good only for pulp. Only 25% (~500) of hardwood logs were marketable. WDNR’s Bob Dubois is designing research to study impacts on invertebrates.
5. Stocking Conference
Tom Trudeau (ILDNR) will select June/July dates for a stocking conference to be followed by a meeting of LMC and LMTC. A summary of stocking options will be prepared for public distribution prior to the conference. Likely location is Purdue with Sea Grant to facilitate.
6. Lakewide Assessment Plan
The LMC will post its lakewide assessment plan on its Web page. The LMTC will oversee its implementation beginning with lake trout and burbot.
7. Sea Lamprey Damage Workshop
The Lake Michigan Technical Committee will participate in a workshop on sea lamprey damage.
8. Restricting Adipose Clip for CWT Use
At Michigan’s request, the LMTC will discuss potential strategies for restricting adipose clips (including combinations) for use with coded wire tags on steelhead trout.
9. Research Priorities
The LMTC will discuss development of an Upper Lakes acoustics plan / proposal.
10. Lakewide Creel Task Group
The LMC dissolved the Lakewide Task Group, and will post on its Web page the Lakewide Creel Plan (or hotlink to MSU document).
11. Diet Task Group
12. Early Mortality Syndrome Task Group
Dissolved. The LMTC will write a letter supporting Sue Marcquenski’s (WDNR) continuing leadership on EMS and liaison with the LMTC.
13. Salmonid Task Group
14. SIMPLE Task Group
Awaiting recommendations on future direction from MSU.
15. Lake Trout Rehabilitation Plan
The LMC will forward comments on the lake trout rehabilitation plan to Joan Duffy (MDNR) by 15 April, who will compile and forward to the LMTC by 15 May.
16. Enteric Redmouth
The LMC asks for a letter from GLFHC Chair Joe Marcino re the appropriateness under the Fish Disease Model Program of stocking lake trout from an ERM-classified hatchery into the Midlake Refuge of Lake Michigan.
17. Lake Michigan LaMP
The LMC asks that Judy Beck present LaMP plans to LMC and LMTC at the summer meeting. The LMC expects that fish community objectives will be incorporated.
18. SOLEC Indicators
Tom Edsall (USFWS) welcomed LMC and LMTC input in nearshore indicators he is developing for SOLEC. (Henry Regier is working on offshore indicators.