Documents & Media Search

Published Title Source
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Cheboygan Area Public Library, and Earth Week Plus to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Free, Exclusive Cheboygan Screening Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission and Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Free, Exclusive Harbor Springs Screening Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Exclusive Maumee Screening Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Free, Exclusive Livonia Screening Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Synthesizing Professional Opinion of Lake Whitefish and Cisco Recruitment Drivers across the Great Lakes (in press) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Free, Exclusive Owen Sound Screening Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Lake Ontario April prey fish survey results and Alewife assessment, 2024 United States Geological Survey
2024 Bottom trawl assessment of Lake Ontario's benthic preyfish community, 2023 United States Geological Survey
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Advisors Pass Resolutions Addressing Policies And Programs To Protect And Improve Great Lakes Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Unveils Interactive Web-Based Visualization Tool for Fish Stocking Data Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Unveils Interactive Web-Based Visualization Tool for Fish Stocking Data Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Joint effects of physical processes and multiple invasive species on Great Lakes zooplankton production, with implications for fish recruitment Fishery Research Program
2024 Do summer cyanobacterial blooms negatively affect prey and commercial fish recruitment in the great lakes? Fishery Research Program
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Don Arcuri for His Dedication to the Committee of Advisors and Fostering Great Lakes Partnerships Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Chuck Madenjian for His Career-Long Contributions and Dedication to Great Lakes Fishery Science Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Tim Sullivan for His Dedicated Career in the Sea Lamprey Control Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 $1,000,000 Included in 2025 State of Michigan Budget To Support the Great Lakes Fishery Commission’s FishPass Project
2024 Fish surgery and handling: providing hands on training to management agency biologists Fishery Research Program
2024 Evaluating the integration of genomics-based mixed stock analysis into statistical catch-at-age model for lake whitefish stock assessment in Lake Michigan Fishery Research Program
2024 Lake Ontario August gillnet survey and lake trout assessment, 2023 United States Geological Survey
2024 Status and Trends of the Lake Huron Prey Fish Community, 1976-2023 United States Geological Survey
2024 A Resolution Urging for the Transition of The Great Lakes Fishery Commission's Canadian Budget Portfolio to Global Affairs Canada Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 A Resolution In Support Of Reauthorizing The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Through The GLRI Act Of 2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 A Resolution Supporting Legislative Efforts To Establish A Canadian Version Of The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative As Part Of Canada’S Work To Establish A National Freshwater Action Plan Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 A Resolution Supporting The Launch And Tooling Of A Fully Funded, Independent Canada Water Agency With A Substantial Great Lakes Focus Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Feasibility of acoustic telemetry to estimate spawning site fidelity of cisco in western Lake Superior Fishery Research Program
2024 Tissue distribution of the toxin beta-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) and its isomers in fishes of Lake Erie Fishery Research Program
2024 Implications of Phosphorus Reduction for Sustainable Great Lakes Fisheries Fishery Research Program
2024 Status and Trends of Pelagic and Benthic Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2023 United States Geological Survey
2024 Fisheries Research and Monitoring Activities of the Lake Erie Biological Station, 2023 United States Geological Survey
2024 Field-ready environmental DNA (eDNA) protocols and tools for sea lamprey assessment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2024 TrackdAT: An acoustic telemetry metadata portal to connect fish tracking research in the Great Lakes and beyond Fishery Research Program
2024 Spatial Variability and Drivers of Mysis Partial Diel Vertical Migration Fishery Research Program
2024 Open-source unmanned surface vehicle (USV) for mobile acoustic telemetry Fishery Research Program
2024 Cisco (Coregonus artedi) reference genome project: an integrative resource for management and restoration of Great Lakes coregonines Fishery Research Program
2024 Structure and function of novel pheromones from sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2024 Genetic basis of sex determination in sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2024 2024 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2024 LEC FTG Annual Report (2024) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2024 LEC HTG Annual Report (2024) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2024 2024 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2024 Lake Erie Committee Sets Walleye and Yellow Perch Total Allowable Catches for 2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 2024 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2024 LEC WTG Annual Report (2024) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2024 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2024) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2024 2024 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2024 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2024) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2024 2024 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2024 Lake Michigan Harvest Report 2023 Lake Michigan Technical Committee
2024 LSTC Age Assessment Workshop Report Lake Superior Technical Committee
2024 Commissions sign historic agreement to enhance cooperation on Great Lakes restoration and protection Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Can otolith carbon stable isotopes be used to estimate field metabolic rates in freshwater fishes? Fishery Research Program
2024 Lake Erie Grass Carp Adaptive Response Strategy 2024-2028 Lake Erie Committee
2024 Quantifying bioenergetic responses to temperature in walleye using modern respirometry techniques Fishery Research Program
2024 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2023 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2024 Sea Lamprey Aquaculture & Procurement Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 Evaluating length and age models for assessing lake trout Fishery Research Program
2023 Physical processes and fish recruitment in large lakes: Phase II Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 Seasonal differences in larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) sensitivity to the pesticide TFM Sea Lamprey Research Program
2023 Determine the Utility of Pheromone Antagonists for Sea Lamprey Control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2023 Status and Trends in the Lake Superior Fish Community, 2023 United States Geological Survey
2023 Evaluating the effects of biopsy procedures on fish to enable a more mechanistic approach to fish telemetry studies Fishery Research Program
2023 Instantaneous river-wide hydrodynamic measurements at fine scales for use in fish movement study at FishPass FishPass
2023 Lake Ontario April prey fish survey results and Alewife assessment (2023) Lake Ontario Committee
2023 Effective dissemination of Lake Erie walleye movement and distribution information for use by managers Science Transfer Program
2023 Automated Water Sampler Fishery Research Program
2023 Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan (2022) Lake Michigan Technical Committee
2023 Control sea lamprey in the Cheboygan River with sterile males: stage 2 – sterile male release Sea Lamprey Research Program
2023 Physiochemical and energy landscapes as a driver of Lake Erie walleye population dynamics: past, present & future Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 Movements and survival of hatchery reared juvenile cisco (Coregonus artedi) in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron Fishery Research Program
2023 Laboratory validation of real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis for Myxobolus cerebralis Fishery Research Program
2023 LMTC Lake Trout Working Group Response Document: Lake Trout Strain Evaluation Task Lake Michigan Technical Committee
2023 Using stock assessment information to inform harvest policy in data-limited fisheries Science Transfer Program
2023 Developing consistency in interpretation and communication of non-target mortality associated with lampricide treatments Science Transfer Program
2023 Trophic overlap and growth of lean and siscowet lake trout morphotypes across their trophic ontogeny: Does overlap matter? Fishery Research Program
2023 Proof of Concept test of accelerometer tags on lake trout to detect sea lamprey attachment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2023 Status and Trends of the Lake Huron Prey Fish Community, 1976-2022 United States Geological Survey
2023 The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Welcomes New United States Commissioners Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 Effects of dietary thiaminase on reproduction in two strains of lake trout Fishery Research Program
2023 Advisors To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Pass Resolution Calling For Immediate Intervention And Resolution To Remedy Faulty Machinery Of Governance Crisis With Government Of Canada Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 A Resolution Calling For The Transition Of The Canadian Machinery Of Government For Fiduciary Responsibilities Relating To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission From Fisheries And Oceans Canada To Global Affairs Canada Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 Crews To Remove Harmful Invasive Sea Lampreys From Lake Huron's Saginaw River Watershed Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 2023 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2023 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2023) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2023 LEC FTG Annual Report (2023) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2023 2023 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2023 LEC WTG Annual Report (2023) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2023 2023 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2023 2023 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2023 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2023) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2023 Investigating Food Webs: State of Knowledge and Investigative Approaches Fishery Research Program
2023 Lake Michigan Harvest Report 2022 Lake Michigan Technical Committee
2023 Lake Erie Committee Sets Yellow Perch and Walleye Allowable Catches for 2023 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 2023 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2023 LEC HTG Annual Report (2023) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2023 Fisheries Research and Monitoring Activities of the Lake Erie Biological Station, 2022 United States Geological Survey
2023 Status and Trends in the Lake Superior Fish Community, 2022 United States Geological Survey
2023 Evaluation of survival and Reproductive Success of Cultured Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in West Central Lake Huron Lake Huron Technical Committee
2023 A unified model of walleye recruitment success Fishery Research Program
2023 Identifying turbulence features that alter trap efficiency of upstream-swimming lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2023 Lake Huron fishery further protected from invasive sea lampreys thanks to new trap on the East Branch Au Gres River in Michigan Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 The Great Lakes Fishery Commission (glfc) Is Pleased To Announce Its New Journal Laurentian Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2022 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2023 Ciscoes (Coregonus, subgenus Leucichthys) of the Laurentian Great Lakes and Lake Nipigon (Revised) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 Weir enumeration and capture-mark-recapture estimates of spring spawning-run size for white sucker Catostomus commersonii and longnose sucker Catostomus catostomus in the Boardman (Ottaway) River, Traverse City, Michigan, USA. Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 FishPass baseline assessment of fish community assemblage and migratory patterns in the Boardman River, Traverse City, Michigan, USA Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 Moving toward ecosystem-based fisheries management: developing an integrated ecosystem assessment of Lake Erie as a case study Fishery Research Program
2022 Predicting contaminant transfer following re-establishment of controlled connectivity in the Boardman River FishPass
2022 The History behind the Canada-U.S. Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries: A Seven-Decade Effort Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 Status and Trends of Pelagic and Benthic Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2021 United States Geological Survey
2022 Interactive tool for visualizing fish stocking events and recoveries in the Great Lakes Science Transfer Program
2022 The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Welcomes Long-Awaited Canadian Commissioner Appointments Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 Proceedings of the third Sea Lamprey International Symposium (SLIS III) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 From fish movement to knowledge movement: Understanding and improving science transfer related to telemetry Science Transfer Program
2022 Economic Aspects of the Great Lakes Recreational Fisheries and Factors Driving Change Fishery Research Program
2022 Lake Ontario April prey fish survey results and Alewife assessment (2022) Lake Ontario Committee
2022 Stakeholder and resource manager responses to the Chinook salmon fishery collapse in Lake Huron: informing future decision-making Fishery Research Program
2022 Population connectivity and local adaptation in Lake Michigan yellow perch Fishery Research Program
2022 Status and Trends of the Lake Huron Prey Fish Community, 1976-2021 United States Geological Survey
2022 Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan, 2021 Lake Michigan Technical Committee
2022 Forensic Markers of Lampricide Toxicity & Mortality in Non-Target Fishes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2022 Genomics of Great Lakes ciscoes (Coregonus spp.): identifying genetic differences associated with morphological differences Fishery Research Program
2022 Using genomics to delineate stock structure and create a standardized genetic resource for Great Lakes walleye Fishery Research Program
2022 Research priorities for lake trout restoration in Lake Ontario, 2022 Lake Ontario Technical Committee
2022 2020 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Rehabilitation Strategy Review Lake Michigan Technical Committee
2022 Simulation-based assessment of a large-scale genetic tagging study to identify adult sea lamprey natal streams Sea Lamprey Research Program
2022 Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayluscide Applications in Lotic Systems Sea Lamprey Research Program
2022 Status and Trends in the Lake Superior Fish Community, 2021 United States Geological Survey
2022 Lake Trout Rehabilitation in Lake Ontario, 2021 United States Geological Survey
2022 Fisheries Research and Monitoring Activities of the Lake Erie Biological Station, 2021 United States Geological Survey
2022 Bottom trawl assessment of Lake Ontario's benthic preyfish community, 2021 United States Geological Survey
2022 Human dimensions of the Lake Huron salmon fishery crash: Using oral histories to assess the attitudes, values, and beliefs of anglers and non-angler stakeholders in Great Lakes coastal communities Fishery Research Program
2022 Crews To Remove Harmful Invasive Sea Lampreys From Lake Erie's Grand River Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 Canadian budget fully funds the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 Lake Trout Working Group Report 2021 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group
2022 Is depth selection by lake trout morphotypes a genetic trait? Fishery Research Program
2022 Chemical Analyses of Sea Lamprey Pheromones and Lampricides Sea Lamprey Research Program
2022 Bioassay directed isolation and characterization of a natural sea lamprey deterrent phase-II Sea Lamprey Research Program
2022 Lamprey Coloring Sheet by Taaja Tucker Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 Lake Erie Committee Sets Yellow Perch and Walleye Allowable Catches for 2022 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2022) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2022 2022 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2022 2022 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2022 LEC WTG Annual Report (2022) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2022 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2022) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2022 2022 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2022 2022 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2022 LEC FTG Annual Report (2022) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2022 LEC HTG Annual Report (2022) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2022 2022 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2022 Status and Trends of the Lake Huron Prey Fish Community, 1976-2020 United States Geological Survey
2022 Status and Trends in the Lake Superior Fish Community, 2020 United States Geological Survey
2022 2020 Status of the Lake Ontario Lower Trophic Levels United States Geological Survey
2022 Status and Trends of the Lake Huron Prey Fish Community, 1976-2019 United States Geological Survey
2022 Understanding angler behaviors that influence the spread of aquatic invasive species Fishery Research Program
2022 Support for maintenance of F2 lake trout for research on morphotypic diversity Fishery Research Program
2022 Parasites of Coregonines in the Genera Coregonus and Prosopium (Salmonidae, Coregoninae) in the Great Lakes Miscellaneous Publication Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2021 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2022 A Resolution Calling For Alternatives And Best Available Technologies To Effectively Elminate The Risk Of An Oil Spill From Line 5 In The Straits Of Mackinac Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 A Resolution In Support Of Governance Best Practices Attained By Transitioning The Commission's Machinery Of Government Responsibilities To Global Affairs Canada Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 A Resolution Calling For Great Lakes Fishery Commission Commissioner Appointments Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 A Resolution that the GLFC Provide Leadership on Canadian and U.S. Action to Achieve the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 Marine protected areas and the 30x30 initiative Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Visual integration in the retina of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 A Plan to Support Lake Trout Rehabilitation in Lake Erie, 2021-2030 Lake Erie Committee
2021 Advancing Great Lakes Empirical Food Web Modeling Fishery Research Program
2021 Lampreys of the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Fast Facts About Great Lakes Sea Lampreys Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Making the Best of a Bad Situation: Great Lakes Sea Lampreys Reveal the Origins of Vertebrate Traits Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Great Lakes Fishery Commission reflects on 100 years of invasive sea lampreys above Niagara Falls Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Declining Recruitment of Lake Whitefish to Fisheries in the Laurentian Great Lakes: Management Considerations and Research Priorities Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Use of an artificial stream to monitor avoidance behavior of larval sea lamprey in response to TFM and niclosamid Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Identification of adaptive genes associated with Lake Trout Survival and recruitment in different and changing Great Lake Environments Fishery Research Program
2021 Lake Ontario April prey fish survey results and Alewife assessment (2021) Lake Ontario Committee
2021 Supplemental control support Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Environmental, biotic, and sampling effects on genetic estimates of adult sea lamprey abundance in Great Lakes tributaries Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Estimation of Transformer Out-migration Mortality with Acoustic Micro-transmitters Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 International Team Assembles the Lake Trout Genome Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Comparing the sublethal effects of sea lamprey parasitism on long term reproduction, growth and recruitment of siscowet and lean lake trout Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Estimating survival of acoustic telemetered walleyes in the Great Lakes and comparison of survival rates between Lake Huron and Lake Erie spawning populations Fishery Research Program
2021 Towards a new tool for parasitic lamprey assessment – quantitative metrics of attack dynamics and host response Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Lake Trout Whole Genome Sequencing Fishery Research Program
2021 Depth and temperature preferences of Lake Ontario salmonids using novel pop-off data storage tags Fishery Research Program
2021 Advisors To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Pass Resolutions Addressing GLFC Funding, Offshore Productivity, Lake Trout Stocking In Lake Huron, And Canadian Legislation Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Field evaluation of an improved solid TFM formulation for use in treating small tributary streams Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Quantification of Thiamin in Natural Fresh Water Fishery Research Program
2021 Lake Huron Committee Environmental Priorities 2021 Lake Huron Committee
2021 Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission 2021-2025 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Lake Champlain Fish Ecology: a mesocosm approach to the Great Lakes Fishery Research Program
2021 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2021) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2021 2021 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2021 LEC FTG Annual Report (2021) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2021 2021 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2021 2021 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2021 LEC WTG Annual Report (2021) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2021 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2021) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2021 2021 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2021 LEC HTG Annual Report (2021) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2021 2021 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2021 Great Lakes Sea Lamprey: From Crisis to Control Video Scavenger Hunt Worksheet Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Great Lakes Sea Lamprey: From Crisis to Control Video worksheet Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2019-2020 Lake Michigan Committee
2021 Clearer Water Means Less Fish: Understanding How Lower Trophic Level Changes Impact Lake Huron's Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Post-stocking behaviour, habitat use, and survival of hatchery-reared native fishes using acoustic telemetry Fishery Research Program
2021 The State of Lake Erie in 2015 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2020 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2021 Supplemental Sea Lamprey Control Initiative Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2021) Fish Health Committee
2021 The State of Lake Superior in 2017 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 A Resolution Calling For A Review Of The Strategy For Lake Trout Stocking And Its Implementation In Southern Lake Huron Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 A Resolution In Support Of The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Group, A Subcommittee Of The Canada-united States Inter-parliamentary Group Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 A Resolution In Support Of Restoring The Commission's Fiduciary Relationship With Global Affairs Canada Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 A Resolution In Support Of Implementing The Recommendation Of The Sab’s Report Entitled Understanding Declining Productivity In The Offshore Regions Of The Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 A Resolution Regarding The Establishment Of A Canada Water Agency Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Practical Facts about Sea Lamprey Control Treatments Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2021) Fish Health Committee
2020 Exploiting the Unexploited: A Smart Panel System for In-situ Detection of Adult Sea Lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Determine what fishes adult sea lamprey parasitized by barcoding DNA in their feces Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Genetic assessment of Boardman River fish populations prior to dam removal Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan, 2020 Lake Michigan Technical Committee
2020 Studying the Fish of Buffalo Reef, Traverse Bay, Lake Superior Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2020 The State of Lake Huron in 2018 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2020 Improving the Fish Value Chain in Malawi Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2020 Transcriptomic analysis of Mysis diluviana vertical migration Fishery Research Program
2020 Uses and limitations of environmental DNA (eDNA) in fisheries management Science Transfer Program
2020 Lampricide Residues in Sea Lamprey Larvae Carcasses recovered after 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) or TFM/Bayluscide Stream Treatments Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayer Applications in Lentic Environments Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Incorporation of expert judgment in an operating model of the control program to evaluate trade-offs for sea lamprey management Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Fish Community Objectives for The Lake Erie Basin Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2020 Capture efficiency of sea lamprey and passage success of non-target species during plunging and streaming flow patterns in a pool-type fishway Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Ecology and evolution of blackfin cisco populations in an outflow system of proglacial Lake Algonquin Fishery Research Program
2020 Lake Ontario Committee Fish Habitat Priorities Lake Ontario Committee
2020 Doing Science is Essential . . . Communicating Science is Just as Critical (and maybe more FUN!) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2020 Lake Trout Working Group Report 2019 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group
2020 Development and evaluation of improved TFM formulations for use in feeder stream treatments Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Seawater tolerance and feeding in freshwater and anadromous populations of sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 2020 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2020 LEC HTG Annual Report (2020) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2020 Kids Activity Booklet Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2020 2020 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2020 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2020) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2020 2020 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2020 LEC FTG Annual Report (2020) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2020 LEC WTG Annual Report (2020) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2020 2020 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2020 2020 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2020 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2020) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2020 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2019 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2020 FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2020) Fish Health Committee
2020 FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2020) Fish Health Committee
2020 Preliminary status of Lake Ontario Alewife based on the 2019 spring trawl survey (2019) Lake Ontario Committee
2019 Assessing the resistance of sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) to TFM Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Proof of concept test of flow velocity enhancement system (FVES) to guide sea lamprey movement Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Effects of Local Hydrodynamic Conditions and Individual Differences in Behavior on Trap Entrance by Sea Lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Skin chemoreceptor activation and motor behavior Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Identifying migration patterns and spatial ecology of a reef spawning stock of walleye in the western basin of Lake Erie Fishery Research Program
2019 Comparison of Continuous and Interrupted Lampricide Block Toxicity to Sea Lamprey and Lake Sturgeon Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Can Contemporary Cisco Stocks Support Historical Levels of Yield in Lake Superior? Fishery Research Program
2019 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Saugeen Ojibway Nation Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2019 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Ellen Marsden for Decades of Highly Productive, Innovative, and Valued Work to Significantly Improve the Great Lakes Ecosystem Health Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2019 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Steve Lapan for Outstanding And Unwavering Support of the Sea Lamprey Control Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2019 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Unveils "FishPass" Design Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2019 A Resolution Regarding Marine Sancutaries and Protected Areas Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2019 Technical Assistance to Development of Additional Pheromone-Based Control Agents Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Physiological and behavioural responses of sea lamprey to low frequency sound Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 The State of Lake Michigan in 2016 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2019 Michigan State University and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Name Dr. Chris Vandergoot as New Director of Leading Research Network Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2019 Lake Trout Working Group Report 2018 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group
2019 Effects of Water Alkalinity, pH, and Dosing Regimen on Lake Sturgeon Sensitivity to the Lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Lake Erie Committee Sets Yellow Perch and Walleye Allowable Catches for 2019 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2019 2019 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2019 LEC WTG Annual Report (2019) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2019 LEC HTG Annual Report (2019) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2019 2019 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2019 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2019) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2019 2019 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2019 A Resolution in Support of the 2015 Clean Water Rule Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2019 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2019) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2019 2019 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2019 Optimize 3kPZS application rate to yield large and consistent catches of sea lamprey in barrier-integrated traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Effects of environmental and biological factors on migratory sea lamprey catchability and abundance estimation Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Chemistry to facilitate studies of pheromones; TFM and novel biosensors Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Selective passage of Sea Lamprey and native Great Lakes fish through hydraulic barriers Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Reproduction in lake trout morphotypes surrounding Isle Royale Fishery Research Program
2019 LEC FTG Annual Report (2019) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2019 2019 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2019 Faithful Fish: Walleye Show High Spawning Site Fidelity in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2019 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2018 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2019 FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2019) Fish Health Committee
2018 Bioassay directed isolation and characterization of a natural sea lamprey deterrent Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 Evaluation of light as a non-physical cue to guide downstream-migrating lamprey transformers into traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 Genetic approaches to estimating the number of adult sea lamprey in the St. Clair River Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 Natural Resource Law Enforcement Agencies Join Together to Strengthen Inter-jurisdictional Coordination Throughout the Great Lakes Basin Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Panel of Experts to Investigate Protection of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Study Examines the Changing Demographics of the Great Lakes Angling Community Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Evaluating the use of an angler smartphone app for fisheries data collection Fishery Research Program
2018 Developing Research Priorities for Lake Whitefish in the Upper Great Lakes Council of Lake Committees
2018 Extension of the Walleye Management Plan (2015-2019) Lake Erie Committee
2018 USGS Scientist Takes Aim at Great Lakes Invaders Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Verification of natural mortality estimation of Walleye in Lake Erie based on integrated Bayesian statistical catch-at-age models Fishery Research Program
2018 Are Changes in Lower Trophic Levels Limiting Prey-Fish Biomass and Production in Lake Michigan? Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Michigan State University's Quantitative Fisheries Center Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Nick Mandrak for Substantial, Decades-long Scientific Contributions to Great Lakes Ecosystems Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Advisors to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Pass Resolutions Addressing Cormorant Management, Canada's Fisheries Act, and Funding for the U.S. National Sea Grant Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Support for Double-Crested Cormorant Management Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Canada Fisheries Act Implementation Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 A Resolution in Support of Funding For the National Sea Grant College Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 International Charr Symposium Lures Scientists to Lake Superior Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Rising Higher: A Research Lab Built from the Ground Up - Part 2 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Great Lakes Fishery Commission To Meet In Toronto, May 9 And 10 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Evaluating colored LED strobe lights for use in the behavioral guidance of sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 Structure and Function of Sea Lamprey Pheromone Components (Phase II) Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Lauds the Government of Canada's Commitment to the Shared Great Lakes Fishery Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Impediments to the Rehabilitation of Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in Lake Erie Lake Erie Committee
2018 Position Statement on Lake Erie Cisco Rehabilitation Lake Erie Committee
2018 Angler Demographics: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis Fishery Research Program
2018 An investigation of a potential morphotype trigger in two Ichthyomyzon species Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 The neural link between novel olfactory signals and locomotion Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 Selective removal of sea lamprey via behavioral guidance in a model fishway: a proof of concept test Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 Lake Erie Committee Sets Yellow Perch and Walleye Allowable Catches for 2018 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Grand River Restoration Project Sees a Boost in Federal Funding for Sea Lamprey Control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2016-2017 Lake Michigan Committee
2018 2018 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2018 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2018) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2018 Compiled Reports To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Of The Annual Bottom Trawl And Accoustics Surveys, 2017 United States Geological Survey
2018 Great Lakes Researchers Go Down Under Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 LEC WTG Annual Report (2018) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2018 2018 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2018 LEC FTG Annual Report (2018) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2018 Development and testing of genomic markers for Coregonus species identification and population assessment Fishery Research Program
2018 2018 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2018 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2018) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2018 2018 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2018 LEC HTG Annual Report (2018) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2018 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2017 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2018 Finding the Sea Lamprey's Kryptonite Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Good Things Come in...Polymer Packages? Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2018) Fish Health Committee
2018 FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2018) Fish Health Committee
2017 Development of antagonists to pheromonal sulfated steroids for sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Proof of Concept: Use of DIDSON cameras to estimate adult sea lamprey abundance in streams Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Proof-of-concept test of a differential pressure system to transport Great Lakes fishes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Evaluating the risks and potential of genetic technologies for managing the impacts of sea lampreys in the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Workshops on Lake Trout age assignment in annual stock assessment: Accuracy and Precision of Methods Specific to Age Ranges and Length Bins Science Transfer Program
2017 Comments About Brandon Road Report Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Evaluating trade-offs for sea lamprey management using an operating model of the control program Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Delineation of natural boundaries of Muskellunge in the Great Lakes and the effects of supplementation on genetic integrity of remnant stocks. Fishery Research Program
2017 Genetic test confirms first grass carp eggs collected in the Maumee River
2017 A synthesis of sport fishing activity in the St. Marys River St. Marys River Fishery Task Group
2017 A preliminary study on the roles of chemical cues in american eel life history Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Rising Higher: A Research Lab Built from the Ground Up Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Grass Carp Early Detection Efforts Underway for Lake Erie Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Sea lamprey quantitative environmental DNA surveillance Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Effects of trap funnel and finger design on sea lamprey entrance and retention Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Comparative genetic and phenotypic analysis of lake trout morphs in representative North American lakes: genetic aspects of phenotypic variation in Lake Superior lake trout morphs Fishery Research Program
2017 Fish Community Objectives for Lake Ontario Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Advisors to the Commission pass resolutions addressing fishery restoration, funding, and enforcement Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 The State of Lake Erie in 2009 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Meet the Fleet: GLFC-USGS Partnership Makes Waves with Newly Renovated Deepwater Science Vessel Fleet Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Using a simulated fish community to evaluate the relative importance of catchability on abundance estimates for acoustic surveys Science Transfer Program
2017 Behavioral and genetic diversity among ecotypes of Lake Superior brook trout Fishery Research Program
2017 Trophic ecology and isotopic niche of humper Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Superior: comparison with other morphotypes. Fishery Research Program
2017 Development and correlation of physical process indices with inter-annual recruitment variability in Lake Michigan Fishery Research Program
2017 Effects of dietary thiaminase on reproduction in three strains of atlantic salmon Fishery Research Program
2017 Effect of lamprey attachment on profile drag of lake trout: consequences for swimming Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Paul Sullivan honored for Championing the Sea Lamprey Control Program with Dedication, Hard Work, and Mentorship Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Commission honors Dr. Michael Hansen for Career-long, Professional Efforts to Improve Health and Sustainability of Great Lakes Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Mark Holey Receives Buzz Besadny Award for Fostering Partnerships to Satisfy Key Fishery and Research Management Needs of the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 A Mid-Decade Review of Progress under a Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission 2011-2020 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Evaluating short-term survival of walleye implanted with acoustic transmitters at elevated temperatures Fishery Research Program
2017 A gliding robotic fish-based mobile receiver platform for acoustic telemetry in fishery research Fishery Research Program
2017 Mortality influences on maturation scheduling in Lake Whitefish and effects on Great Lakes fisheries management Fishery Research Program
2017 Accounting for Potential Effects on Fish Production from Barrier Removals to Inform Management Decisions: An Application of Structured Decision Making Science Transfer Program
2017 Quota Allocation Strategy Lake Erie Committee Standing Technical Committee
2017 Compiled Reports To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Of The Annual Bottom Trawl And Accoustics Surveys, 2016 United States Geological Survey
2017 Diel and spatial movement patterns of downstream migrating sea lamprey transformers Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Refinement of a new trapping tool for migrating adult sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Lake Trout Working Group Report 2016 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group
2017 Technical assistance for chemical aspects of pheromone research Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Transfer of Finnish Coregonine Culture Techniques and a Retrospective Analysis of Restoration Strategies to Advance Coregonine Restoration in the Great Lakes Science Transfer Program
2017 A Resolution in Support of Restoring Coregonines in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 A Resolution Calling for Strengthened Financial Commitments From Canada and U.S. to Protect and Restore the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Resolution Concerning Interstate Shipment of Live Injurious Animals Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Advisors In Oppose Proposed Funding Cuts To The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Advisors Support Funding For The United States Environmental Protection Agency Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan, 2017 Lake Michigan Technical Committee
2017 Lake Erie Committee Recommends Increased Yellow Perch and Walleye Allowable Catches for 2017 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Sex-shifting Fish: Growth Rate Could Determine Sea Lamprey Sex Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2016 Lake Michigan Committee
2017 Environmental and Physiological Determinants of Larval Sea Lamprey Tolerance and Resilience to TFM Exposure Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2016 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2017 2017 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2017 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2017) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2017 2017 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2017 LEC WTG Annual Report (2017) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2017 2017 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2017 LEC HTG Annual Report (2017) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2017 2017 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2017 LEC FTG Annual Report (2017) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2017 2017 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2017 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2017) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2017 A Monograph on Ciscoes of the Laurentian Great Lakes and Lake Nipigon Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 The State of Lake Ontario in 2014 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Rambunctious Reproduction Overheard Among Great Lakes' Lake Trout Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 2017 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2017 Population Dynamics of the St. Marys River Fish Community 1975-2017 St. Marys River Fishery Task Group
2017 FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2017) Fish Health Committee
2016 WATCH: Acoustic Telemetry Provides In-Depth Look into Fish Behavior Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Crime Stoppers and Great Lakes Fishery Commission Take Steps To Stop Illegal Lake Strugeon Trade Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Eel-Ladder Style Traps: A New Lamprey Control Tool Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Strategy for Reducing Lake Trout Stocking in Lake Huron, 2016 Lake Huron Committee
2016 Compiled Reports To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Of The Annual Bottom Trawl And Accoustics Surveys, 2015 United States Geological Survey
2016 Lake Trout Working Group Report 2015 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group
2016 A Letter to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway Cities Initiative in Support of its Resolution on Concentrated Agriculture Feed Operations Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 US Resolution for Prohibition of Establishment of Any Net Pen Aquaculture Facilities in the U.S. Waters of the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 US Resolution for Clarification in Federal Ability to Impose Fishing Restrictions in Marine Sanctuaries Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Canadian/U.S. Resolution Calling for Radionuclides Be Designated As Chemical of Mutual Concern Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Canadian/U.S. Resolution Opposing Diversion of Great Lakes Water to Waukesha, WI Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 A Lampricide Treatment: Up-Close Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 The State of Lake Superior in 2011 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Sea Lamprey Mating Pheromone Registered By EPA As First Vertebrate Pheromone Biopesticide Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 From Projects To Practice: Great Lakes Fishery Commission Mobilizes Science To Meet Management Needs Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Fishery Agencies Propose Chinook Stocking Reduction To Sustain The Lake Michigan Fishery Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Robert Adair for Applying A Holistic Understanding Of Fisheries Management To The Sea Lamprey Control Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Charles Krueger for His Career-Long Contributions to Great Lakes Fishery Science and Management Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Suzette Kimball for Her Dedication To Fostering Great Lakes Partnerships Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Sea Lamprey Trapping Improved Significantly With Electricity Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Michigan's Boardman River Selected as Site for Major Fish Passage, Invasive Species Technology Project Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Fishery Agencies Adjust Lakewide Predator Stocking to Preserve Lake Michigan Predator-Prey Balance Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Fishery Agencies Identify Multi-Species Predator Stocking Reduction Targets For Lake Michigan Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Lake Ontario Agencies Adjust Lakewide Predator Stocking to Promote Alewife Population Recovery Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Ciscoes (Coregonus, Subgenus Leucichthys) of the Laurentian Great Lakes and Lake Nipigon Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2015 Lake Michigan Committee
2016 Quantifying detection range of acoustic telemetry tags in deep water: First step for use in species restorations Fishery Research Program
2016 Improving thiaminase measurements in Great Lakes forage fish Fishery Research Program
2016 A hyperbaric holding & transport vessel for collection of deepwater fishes for research and broodstock development Fishery Research Program
2016 Investigation of sound production by spawning lake trout Fishery Research Program
2016 Behavioral and chemical investigations of lake trout pheromones Fishery Research Program
2016 Can acoustic telemetry track post-stocking behaviour of bloater in Lake Ontario? Fishery Research Program
2016 Can early feeding in lake trout fry ameliorate thiamine deficiency? Fishery Research Program
2016 Population genomics of Lake Superior lake trout in high definition Fishery Research Program
2016 Biological and social impacts of invasive species in the Great Lakes: Development of scenarios through expert judgement and assessment of recreational angling impacts Fishery Research Program
2016 Patterns and processes of cisco differentiation in relation to food web structuring using ecological tracers Fishery Research Program
2016 The vertical connection: restructuring of Lake Ontario’s offshore Fishery Research Program
2016 Installation and operation of a resistance board weird in Duffins Creek, Lake Ontario to support Atlantic salmon restoration Fishery Research Program
2016 Sensitive periods of olfactory imprinting in Lake Sturgeon Fishery Research Program
2016 Detection of light by sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Determine the Contribution of Transformers from Lentic Areas to Sea Lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 An evaluation of statistical methods for estimating abundances of adult sea lamprey from stratified mark recapture data. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Demonstration of the photodegradation of lampricides to form benign products during in situ dosing Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Fine-scale movements of sea lamprey near traps in the St Marys River. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Altering migratory routes of sea lamprey through push-pull application of semiochemicals. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Sea lamprey pheromones modulate locomotor rhythmicity. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 The anatomy and physiology of an extra-nasal chemosensory system in the sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Evaluation of emergence times of larval sea lampreys (petromyzon marinus) exposed to bayluscide 3.2% granular sea lamprey larvicide under varying water temperatures Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Have water quality changes in the Huron-Erie Corridor contributed to increases in Lake Erie sea lamprey populations? Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Control sea lamprey in the Cheboygan River with sterile males: stage 1 - Assessment prior to sterile male release. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2015 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2016 2016 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2016 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2016) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2016 2016 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2016 LEC WTG Annual Report (2016) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2016 2016 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2016 LEC HTG Annual Report (2016) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2016 2016 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2016 LEC FTG Annual Report (2016) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2016 2016 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2016 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2016) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2016 FHC Annual Report (2016) Fish Health Committee
2016 FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2016) Fish Health Committee
2016 FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2016) Fish Health Committee
2015 Lamprey Nativeness Claims Annulled by Commission's Eshenroder Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 A Population at the Edge: American Eel Declining at the Extremes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Management implications of Lake Ontario Atlantic salmon restoration science Science Transfer Program
2015 Great Lakes ECOPATH Modeling Workshops Science Transfer Program
2015 Celebrating 60 Years of Successful Sea Lamprey Control, Science, and Cross-Border Collaboration! Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Compiled Reports To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Of The Annual Bottom Trawl And Accoustics Surveys, 2014 United States Geological Survey
2015 Lake Trout Working Group Report 2014 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group
2015 Resolution Calling For Multi-Jurisdictional Consideration and Regulation of Net Pen Aquaculture in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Resolution Urging the Continued Funding of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and Complementary Action in Canada Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Hosts Workshop to Explore Lampricide Resistance and the Development of Next Generation Lampricides Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Lauds New Legislation Aimed At Preventing Migration of Asian Carp and Other Invasive Species Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Cameron Davis Honored for Great Lakes Partnerships Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 MSU's Dr. Mohamed Faisal Receives 2015 Award for Scientific Contributions to Healthy Ecosystems Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Rod McDonald, formerly of DFO, receives the 2015 Vern Applegate Award Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Climate change threatens one of Lake Erie's most popular fish Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 GLFC Presents Dr. Chris Goddard with the C.D. Buzz Besadny Award Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 The Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry System partners with the Ocean Tracking Network Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Lake Erie Committee Releases Updated Lake Erie Walleye Management Plan Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Sea lamprey's reach thirty-year low in Lake Huron, reach twenty-year low in Lake Michigan, and trend downward in other lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2014 Lake Michigan Committee
2015 Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan, 2017 Lake Michigan Committee
2015 Reproductive behavior of wild and hatchery lake trout in the Drummond Island Refuge, Lake Huron: Modeling and physical observations component Fishery Research Program
2015 Quantifying new top-down influences on the rapidly changing food web in the main basin of Lake Huron Fishery Research Program
2015 Predicting secondary spread of aquatic invasive species through ballast water and recreational boating Fishery Research Program
2015 Joint analysis of genetic and age data to estimate trends in strain-specific recruitment of emerging wild lake trout populations in Lake Huron Fishery Research Program
2015 Human Dimensions theme revision Fishery Research Program
2015 Understanding changing patterns of size-specific marking of lake trout by sea lamprey. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Determining if eye lenses can be used to understand the origin and life history of adult Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Feasibility of acoustic telemetry to describe the spatial distribution of adult sea lampreys in the Huron-Erie corridor. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Assessment of population genomics as a tool for discriminating among populations of Great Lakes sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Seawater preparedness in freshwater and anadromous populations of sea lamprey. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Relative effects of lampricide exposure versus sea lamprey predation on lake sturgeon population viability in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 The Aqueous Photolysis of Niclosamide Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Laboratory and field exploration of natural and synthesized repellents for sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Mating pheromones in lamprey species native to the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Use of graduated pulsed-DC to guide adult sea lamprey into traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Using a fishwheel to capture sea lampreys. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Tests of low-voltage DC fish-guidance systems to direct downstream migrating transformed sea lamprey into traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Investigation of carbon dioxide as a potential deterrent to lamprey movement. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 A field investigation of the potential to control sea lamprey through pheromone-mediated redistribution of migrants in the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Development of a putrefaction derived repellent for sea lamprey. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Development of a PCR based method for fertility assessment of male sea lamprey. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 The modulation of olfaction-activated movements in the sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Estimating Lake Erie Juvenile Abundance and Assessing Survival of Migrating Juveniles in the St. Clair - Detroit River System Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Evaluation of post-SMRT embryo viability in the St. Marys River Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2014 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2015 2015 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2015 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2015) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2015 2015 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2015 LEC WTG Annual Report (2015) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2015 2015 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2015 LEC HTG Annual Report (2015) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2015 2015 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2015 LEC FTG Annual Report (2015) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2015 2015 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2015 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2015) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2015 Lake Erie Walleye Management Plan Lake Erie Committee
2015 FHC Annual Report (2015) Fish Health Committee
2015 FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2015) Fish Health Committee
2015 FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2015) Fish Health Committee
2014 Great Lakes Scientists Use Acoustic Telemetry to Reveal the Secret Lives of Fish Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Great Lakes Law Enforcement Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 A Joint Strategic Plan for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Taking Lampreys on the Road! Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Sea Lamprey Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Lake Michigan Committee Salmon Stocking Strategy, July 2014 Lake Michigan Committee
2014 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Research Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Hammond Bay Biological Station: The Nexus for Research and Restoration on the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 The Great Lakes Fishery Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Compiled Reports To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Of The Annual Bottom Trawl And Accoustics Surveys, 2013 United States Geological Survey
2014 Lake Trout Working Group Report 2013 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group
2014 Resolution to Ban Personal Care Products Containing Microbeads Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Resolution Urging the Replacement of the Straits of Mackinac Pipeline Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Big Consequences of Small Invaders Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 The State of Lake Ontario in 2008 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Model Program for Fish Health Management in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Lake Michigan Committee Announces Lakewide Yellow Perch Summit Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Commends Rep. Candice Miller For New Legislation Aimed At Stopping Asian Carp And Other Harmful Species Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea Proposes Critical Invasive Species Regulations Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Lake Erie Committee Recommends 2014 Yellow Perch and Walleye Catch Levels Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2012-2014 Lake Michigan Committee
2014 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2013 Lake Michigan Committee
2014 2014 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group Report Lake Michigan Committee
2014 2014 Yellow Perch Summit Report Lake Michigan Committee
2014 A Management Strategy For The Restoration Of Lake Trout In Lake Ontario, 2014 Update Lake Ontario Committee
2014 Feasibility of using oviduct tagging with acoustic transmitters to determine spawning time and habitat of lake trout in the Drummond Island Refuge Fishery Research Program
2014 Effectiveness of a lake trout refuge at Gull Island Shoal, Lake Superior. Fishery Research Program
2014 Pathogens and invasive species in the Great Lakes: Understanding manager and stakeholder responses Fishery Research Program
2014 Relative attraction of spawning lake trout to reef structure, conspecifics, and reef odor Fishery Research Program
2014 Impact of stressors on transmission potential of Renibacterium salmoninarum in Chinook salmon Fishery Research Program
2014 Sympatric speciation and patterns of morphological and genetic diversity among ciscoes in deepwater lakes Fishery Research Program
2014 Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan Fishery Research Program
2014 A coupled physical-biological model to forecast larval yellow perch distributions, groth rates, and potential recruitment in Lake Erie Fishery Research Program
2014 Feasibility of holding wild-caught Lake Whitefish and Sea Lamprey for parasite-host interaction studies Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Detection and identification of lampreys in streams using environmental DNA Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Determining pathways of migratory adult sea lampreys in large rivers using three-dimensional acoustic telemetry Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Determine the origin of sea lampreys in the upper Cheboygan River Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Application of natural male mating pheromone at management-scales to increase sea lamprey capture and compare effectiveness to synthesized 3kPZS Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Sea lamprey mark type, wounding rate, and parasite-host preference and abundance relationships for lake trout and other species in Lake Ontario Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Establishing Physiological Indices for More Effective Use of TFM to Control Sea Lamprey Populations in the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Development of 3kPZS Antagonists for Sea Lamprey Control. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Structure and function of Sea Lamprey pheromone components. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Field comparison of eel-ladder-style and traditional sea lamprey traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Evaluating Adult Sea Lamprey Behavior at Traps Using Video Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Survival of Stonecats (Noturus flavus) during a stream treatment with the lampricide TFM (3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol) Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2013 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2014 2014 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2014 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2014) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2014 2014 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2014 LEC WTG Annual Report (2014) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2014 2014 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2014 LEC HTG Annual Report (2014) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2014 2014 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2014 LEC FTG Annual Report (2014) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2014 2014 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2014 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2014) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2014 2014 walleye and yellow perch TAC recommendations Lake Erie Committee
2014 FHC Annual Report (2014) Fish Health Committee
2014 FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2014) Fish Health Committee
2014 FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2014) Fish Health Committee
2013 It's Getting Hot in Here! Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 Lake Ontario Technical Committee Terms of Reference, Oct 2013 Lake Ontario Committee
2013 New Sea Lamprey Estimates Suggest a Dramatically Decreased Population Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 Conducting Research through Cooperative Partnerships: The PERM Agreement Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 2013 Walleye and Yellow Perch Catch Levels Recommended for Lake Erie Lake Erie Committee
2013 Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2012 United States Geological Survey
2013 Lake Trout Working Group Report 2012 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group
2013 Resolution in Support of the Great Lakes Mass Marking Initiative Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 Resolution to Adopt the Council of Great Lakes Fishery Agencies' 'Decision Support for Barrier/Dam Modification and Removal: Great Lakes Basin Protocal for Information Sharing, Review and Input' Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 Living on the Edge: A Closer Look at Coastal Communities Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 The State of Lake Huron in 2010 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 Bob Lambe becomes new executive secretary. Chris Goddard retires - a message from commission chair Mike Hansen. Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Brad Young of The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for Outstanding Contributions to Sea Lamprey Control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Mark Ebener of The Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority For His Scientific Contributions To The Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors John Robertson of Michigan for Promoting Sound Resource Management Through Strong Partnerships Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 Fish Community Objectives for Lake Ontario, 2013 Lake Ontario Committee
2013 Declining abundance and recruitment of the American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) at the extremities of the range Fishery Research Program
2013 Evaluation of changes in lake whitefish feeding habits Fishery Research Program
2013 Winter warming effects on yellow perch reproduction and recruitment Fishery Research Program
2013 Morphological, physiological and genetic differentiation of lake trout morphotypes from Lake Superior Fishery Research Program
2013 A community-level approach to assessing fish movements and habitat restoration in Toronto Harbour Fishery Research Program
2013 Assessing the impacts of the invader Hemimysis anomala in multiple food webs of the Great Lakes basin using stable isotopes and fatty acids Fishery Research Program
2013 Quality or quantity – A temporal analysis using tracers to relate diet to health of Lake Trout in the Great Lakes Fishery Research Program
2013 Tracking transformation of low-density populations of larval sea lampreys in streams tributary to lakes Huron and Michigan following treatment with Lampricides Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Determining routes of adult sea lamprey escapement to the upper Cheboygan River and impacts on adult abundance estimates with acoustic telemetry Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Using sea lamprey genome information to identify new research priorities and control strategies Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Estimating the sublethal effects of lamprey parasitism on lipid allocation, reproduction and population dynamics of lake trout Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Effects of lampricides on target and non-target species: from protein expression to ecological consequences Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Development of a controlled-release polymer for deployment of the sea lamprey pheromone 3-keto-petromyonol sulfate Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Evaluation of low-voltage DC fish-guidance systems to manipulate movement patterns of downstream migrating juvenile sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 In situ assessment of lampricide toxicity to age-0 Lake Sturgeon Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2012 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2013 Resolution to Ensure the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund Is Used For Its Intended Purposes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 2013 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2013 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2013) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2013 2013 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2013 LEC WTG Annual Report (2013) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2013 2013 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2013 LEC HTG Annual Report (2013) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2013 2013 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2013 LEC FTG Annual Report (2013) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2013 2013 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2013 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2013) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2013 Population Dynamics of the St. Marys River Fish Community 1975-2013 St. Marys River Fishery Task Group
2013 FHC Annual Report (2013) Fish Health Committee
2013 FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2013) Fish Health Committee
2013 FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2013) Fish Health Committee
2012 Asian Carp: The War Isn't Over Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 Lake-Level, Five-Year Plans for Achieving Sea Lamprey Control Targets in each Great Lake Sea Lamprey Control Program
2012 Managing the Lake Huron Fishery Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 American Eels in Peril Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2011 United States Geological Survey
2012 Understanding Sea Lamprey: Mapping the Genome and Identifying Pheromones Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 The State of Lake Michigan in 2011 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 Lake Erie Committee Recommends Walleye and Yellow Perch Catch Levels for 2012. Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 International Joint Commission And Brookfield Renewable Power Join Forces With Greate Lakes Fishery Commission To Battle Destructive Sea Lamprey. Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation System (GLATOS) Website Release and Webinar. Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Scudder Mackey for Forming Key Partnerships to Conduct Innovative Research Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Jim Bence of Michigan State University for Distinguished Scientific Contributions Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 Risk Assesment Highlights Need For Urgent Action To Prevent Establishment Of Asian Carps Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 Proposed Salmon Stocking Reductions Announced for Lake Michigan Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee Announces Availability of New Asian Carp Video Footage Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2011 Lake Michigan Committee
2012 Evaluating the negative effect of benthic egg predators on bloater recruitment in northern Lake Michigan Fishery Research Program
2012 Standardized surgical procedure for the implantation of electronic tags in key Great Lakes fishes – Version 1.0. Fishery Research Program
2012 Location and characterization of a spawning site of siscowet lake trout Fishery Research Program
2012 Toxicokinetic and food web models to quantify the effects of Hemimysis anomala on Great Lakes food webs Fishery Research Program
2012 A decision analysis for multispecies harvest management of Lake Huron commercial fisheries Fishery Research Program
2012 Evolution of trophic linkages in an invaded food web Fishery Research Program
2012 Did Mysis have a role in the decline of Diporeia? Fishery Research Program
2012 Forecasting ecosystem effects of Hemimysis anomala in Lake Ontario Fishery Research Program
2012 High-resolution bathymetry surveying of the nearshore zone off Drummond Island, Lake Huron Fishery Research Program
2012 Evaluating Genetic Relationships between the Lake Ontario Deepwater Sculpin Population and Upper Great Lakes Populations Fishery Research Program
2012 Determination of micro-elemental stability of sea lamprey statoliths Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Improving sea lamprey control through the use of historical data to inform selection of sites for lampricide treatment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 The use of repellents for sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Field tests of the NEPTUN low-voltage DC fish-guidance system to block adult lamprey migration and to guide lamprey into portable traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Using an eel ladder-trap to trap sea lampreys: proof of concept Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 A decision analysis assessing the trade-off between sea lamprey control and rehabilitation of native fishes at de facto sea lamprey barriers Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Test of a non-physical bio-acoustic fence to guide migratory sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Gene silencing technologies to control sea lampreys - A proof-of-concept Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Evaluating Integrated Pest Management in the St. Marys River. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Review of Credit and Duffins River dams to determine sea lamprey escapement. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2011 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2012 2012 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2012 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2012) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2012 2012 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2012 LEC WTG Annual Report (2012) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2012 2012 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2012 LEC HTG Annual Report (2012) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2012 2012 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2012 LEC FTG Annual Report (2012) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2012 2012 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2012 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2012) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2012 Position Statement on Asian Carp Lake Erie Committee
2012 FHC Annual Report (2012) Fish Health Committee
2012 FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2012) Fish Health Committee
2012 FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2012) Fish Health Committee
2011 Web based watershed atlas for fishes of the Great Lakes Science Transfer Program
2011 Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission 2011-2020 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2011 Acute Toxicity of Two Lampricides, 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) and a TFM:1% Niclosamide Mixture, to Sea Lamprey, Three Species of Unionids, Haliplid Water Beetles, and American Eel Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2011 Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2010 United States Geological Survey
2011 Lake Trout Working Group Report 2010 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group
2011 Great Lakes Fishery Commission urges immediate passage of bill to stop Asian Carp and other invasive species Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2011 Binational panel recommends Lake Erie yellow perch and walleye catch limits for 2011 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2011 Brookfield renewable power and cloverland electric cooperative join forces with Commission to battle destructive sea lamprey Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2011 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Robert MacGregor of Ontario for Work to Protect and Restore American Eel Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2011 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors University of Wisconsin's Dr. James Kitchell for Distinguished Scientific Contributions Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2011 A Field Guide to the Taxonomy of Ciscoes in Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2011 Parasites of Fish from the Great Lakes: A Synopsis and Review of the Literature, 1871-2010 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2011 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2010-2011 Lake Michigan Committee
2011 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2010 Lake Michigan Committee
2011 A Fisheries Management Implementation Strategy for the Rehabilitation of Lake Trout in Lake Michigan(2011) Lake Michigan Committee
2011 Mixed-stock analysis of Lake Michigan's lake whitefish commercial fishery and historical integrity of resolved genetic stocks Fishery Research Program
2011 Genetic structure of the American eel with emphasis on the St. Lawrence River basin Fishery Research Program
2011 Are thiamine levels in lake whitefish eggs in the upper Great Lakes lower in fish that consume Dreissenid mussels? Fishery Research Program
2011 Bioaccumulation of microcystin in the Bay of Quinte food-web Fishery Research Program
2011 River discharge as a predictor of Lake Erie yellow perch recruitment Fishery Research Program
2011 Predicting the effect of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus IVb on walleye recruitment Fishery Research Program
2011 Effect of activity on bioenergetics model performance in the laboratory Fishery Research Program
2011 Understanding life history and ecology to support the management and conservation of migratory brook trout in Lake Superior Fishery Research Program
2011 Chinook salmon stock composition in Lake Huron: using otolith microchemistry as a natural marker of stream origin. Fishery Research Program
2011 Morphological diversity of lake trout: differentiation between deep and shallow forms Fishery Research Program
2011 Bio-physical forcing of walleye recruitment in western Lake Erie Fishery Research Program
2011 Migratory behavior and swim performance of sea lamprey and non-target fish species at sea lamprey barriers and in laboratory flumes. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Acute toxicity of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) to several size ranges of larval sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus). Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Developing a lamprey contraceptive Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Management-scale tests of a synthesized pheromone 3kPZS, to influence stream selection of adult sea lampreys. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Evaluation of the NEPTUN, low-voltage dc, fish-guidance system to manipulate movement patterns of migrating adult sea lampreys to traps. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Movement pathways and behavior of sea lamprey around traps in the St. Marys River Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Effectiveness of sterile-female release in reducing sea lamprey reproduction in the Trout River. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Evaluation of within stream lampricide distribution as a measure of treatment effectivess in controlling larval sea lampreys using enhanced treatment regimes in Great Lakes tributaries Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2010 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2011 Resolution Concerning Preventing the Importation and Interstate Transport of Invasive Species Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2011 2011 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2011 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2011) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2011 2011 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2011 LEC WTG Annual Report (2011) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2011 2011 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2011 LEC HTG Annual Report (2011) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2011 2011 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2011 LEC FTG Annual Report (2011) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2011 2011 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2011 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2011) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2011 FHC Annual Report (2011) Fish Health Committee
2011 FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2011) Fish Health Committee
2011 FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2011) Fish Health Committee
2010 Identification of Michigan Fishes Using Cleithra Science Transfer Program
2010 Coordination workshops concerning early mortality of lake trout in the Great Lakes Science Transfer Program
2010 Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2009 United States Geological Survey
2010 Status of Walleye in the Great Lakes: Proceedings of the 2006 Symposium Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 FishMap on-line: a web application supporting science-based decisions concerning fish movement and passage Science Transfer Program
2010 The State of Lake Superior in 2005 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Great Lakes Fishery Commission recognizes Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters for Atlantic salmon restoration efforts Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Great Lakes Fishery Commission honors Andy Buchsbaum for Great Lakes restoration advocacy Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Great Lakes Fishery Commission honors captain Denny Grinold for execptional contributions to partnerships Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Asian carp legislation introduced Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 It's better to eat at a crowded table Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Sea lamprey time their spawning migration to narrow temperature range Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Key research needs identified for restoration of Great Lakes deepwater fishes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Synthesized sex pheromones lure lampreys into traps Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Portrayal of cormorants changes from victim to perpetrator Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Zebra mussels reconfigure 'social' interactions to their benefit Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Great Lakes Fishery Commission lauds Canada's plan to assess risk of Asian carps Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 The call of the child - Sea lamprey spawning behavior follows larval odor Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Great Lakes sea lamprey control to be featured on Discovery Channel?s Dirty Jobs! Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Strategic Plan for Lake Champlain Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Identification of Michigan Fishes Using Cleithra Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Genetic Guidelines for the Stocking of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in the Great Lakes Basin Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2009 Lake Michigan Committee
2010 Food web dynamics and Thiamine Deficiency Complex: Identifying trophic pathway Fishery Research Program
2010 The reproductive cycle of Lake Superior siscowet lake trout Fishery Research Program
2010 Ecosystem health of large lakes: Identifying utility and metrics Fishery Research Program
2010 Great Lakes Aquatic Protected Areas Fishery Research Program
2010 An evaluation of the importance of Mysis relicta to the Lake Superior fish community Fishery Research Program
2010 Experimental and spatial modeling of environmental factors affecting foraging success of age-0 yellow perch Fishery Research Program
2010 Cisco Recruitment Dynamics in Lake Superior during 1978–2007 Fishery Research Program
2010 Effects of exotic species on the potential for Lake Ontario to support a re-introduced bloater population Fishery Research Program
2010 Modes of lampricide toxicity on larval lampreys and non-target fishes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 Real options analysis of the risks and benefits of sterile male sea lamprey transfers from Lake Ontario Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 Sex Pheromone Communication in the Sea Lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 Improving the effectiveness of portable sea lamprey traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 Performance of fast-start and burst swimming behavior of sea lamprey and non-target fishes in shallow water Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 Identifying the most effective mixtures for use of the sea lamprey migratory pheromone in trapping and redistribution management scenarios Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 A full-scale field test of the efficacy of the male mating pheromone compound 3-keto-petromyzonal-sulfate in trapping-for-control scenarios Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 An in vitro strategy for understanding the neural mechanisms underlying pheromone-activated movements in the sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2009 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2010 Resolution Concerning Protect Fish Habitat and Guide Wind Turbine Siting in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Resolution Concerning Ecological Separation of the Mississippi and Great Lakes basins Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 2010 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2010 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2010) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2010 2010 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2010 LEC WTG Annual Report (2010) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2010 2010 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2010 LEC HTG Annual Report (2010) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2010 2010 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2010 LEC FTG Annual Report (2010) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2010 2010 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2010 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2010) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2010 FHC Annual Report (2010) Fish Health Committee
2010 FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2010) Fish Health Committee
2009 Development of Fishing Power Corrections for 12-m Yankee and 21-m Wing Bottom Trawls Used in Lake Huron Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2009 Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2008 United States Geological Survey
2009 2009 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2009 2009 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2009 2009 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2009 Standard Operating Procedures for Fisheries Acoustic Surveys in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2009 President?s Fiscal 2010 Budget Promises Major Advances in Great Lakes Restoration Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2009 Just-signed 'Energy and Water' Bill to Bring Significant Habitat Improvements to the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2009 Great Lakes Fishery Commission and Great Lakes Fishery Trust Reaffirm 2008 'Separation Study' for Chicago canal Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2009 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2009) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2009 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2009 Lake Michigan Committee
2009 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2008 Lake Michigan Committee
2009 A model based evaluation of how stocking Oncorhynchus influences the fish communities of Lakes Huron and Ontario Fishery Research Program
2009 Pelagic and benthic food web shifts affect availability of polyunsaturated fatty acids to lake trout, implications for early life stages survival Fishery Research Program
2009 Improving decision-making in contentious Great Lakes fishery management Fishery Research Program
2009 Development of improved diagnostic methods for the herpesvirus associated with epizootic epitheliotropic disease (EED) in lake trout Salvelinus namaycush Fishery Research Program
2009 Morphological and Life History Variation with Depth in an Introduced Lake Trout Population Fishery Research Program
2009 A comparison of genetic diversity at the major histocompatibility complex in hatchery-produced and wild lake sturgeon Fishery Research Program
2009 Development of a stable isotope marking technique for early life stages of lake sturgeon Fishery Research Program
2009 Proximate body composition and measures of lake trout lipid content Fishery Research Program
2009 Estimating the Relationship between Sea Lamprey-Induced Mortality on Lake Trout and Observed Marking Rates Sea Lamprey Research Program
2009 Hydrodynamic model study: lampricide plumes in Lake Champlain near the Lamoille River Sea Lamprey Research Program
2009 Improving the Accuracy and Precision of Predictions of TFM-Niclosamide Concentrations for Treatment of Sea Lamprey Spawning Tributaries Sea Lamprey Research Program
2009 Passage options for walleye and lake sturgeon at the dam site on the Black Sturgeon River, Lake Superior, Canada Sea Lamprey Research Program
2009 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2008 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2009 2009 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2009 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2009) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2009 LEC WTG Annual Report (2009) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2009 LEC HTG Annual Report (2009) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2009 LEC FTG Annual Report (2009) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2009 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2009) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2009 Position Statement on Offshore Wind Power Lake Erie Committee
2009 The State of Lake Erie in 2004 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2009 FHC Annual Report (2009) Fish Health Committee
2009 A synthesis of sport fishing activity in the St. Marys River May through October 1999 - 2001 and 2005 - 2009 St. Marys River Fishery Task Group
2008 Workshop on Great Lakes Acoustic Standard Operating Procedures Science Transfer Program
2008 Status of Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in Lake Superior during 1970-2006 and Management and Research Considerations Lake Superior Committee
2008 Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission for the First Decade of the New Millennium (Revised) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2007 United States Geological Survey
2008 Status of the fisheries in Michigan waters of Lake Erie and Lake St. clair (2007) Lake Erie Committee
2008 2008 LEC YPTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2008 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2008) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2008 2008 LEC WTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2008 LEC WTG Annual Report (2008) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2008 2008 LEC HTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2008 LEC HTG Annual Report (2008) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2008 2008 LEC FTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2008 LEC FTG Annual Report (2008) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2008 2008 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2008 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2008) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2008 The State of Lake Huron in 2004 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 The State of Lake Michigan in 2005 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Preserved fish and stable isotopes help reconstruct historical Great Lakes food webs Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 New methods developed to estimate sea lamprey damage Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Research says early and consistent stakeholder involvement yield more sustainable fishery management decisions Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Scientists use odour cues to lure invasive round gobies into traps Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 New research explains relationship between commercial price, amount of harvest, and alarming decline in American eel Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Catch limits recommended for Lake Erie walleye and yellow perch for 2008 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Ground-breaking fish marking technology to make Ontario debut Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Ontario's new lake sturgeon initiative designed to rehabilitate a native species, stop illegal trafficking Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Alliance for the Great Lakes releases study about Chicago waterway system Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 A Strategic Plan for the Rehabilitation of Lake Trout in Lake Erie, 2008-2020 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 A Guide for the Rehabilitation of Lake Trout in Lake Michigan Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2008) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2008 Lake Superior Technical Committee
2008 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2008 Lake Michigan Committee
2008 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2007 Lake Michigan Committee
2008 Preliminary Feasibility of Ecological Separation of the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes to Prevent the Transfer of Aquatic Invasive Species Fishery Research Program
2008 Thiamine status and diet of sub-adult salmonines Fishery Research Program
2008 Thiamine Deficiency Complex Workshop Report Fishery Research Program
2008 Collecting Angler Behavior Data from Great Lakes Creel Surveys Fishery Research Program
2008 Effect of Exotic Cercopagids on Fish: Food Web Disruption through Density- and Behaviorally-Mediated Effects Fishery Research Program
2008 State-of-the-Art Approaches for Assessment of Great Lakes Nearshore and Large River Fish Habitat Fishery Research Program
2008 Assessment of the Population Genetic Structure of Lake Sturgeon Fishery Research Program
2008 Assessment of otolith chemistry as an indicator of fish movement or transfer between the Illinois River system and Lake Michigan Fishery Research Program
2008 Quantitative tools to predict sea lamprey production based on habitat: prioritizing dam removal and control decisions Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Sea lamprey population dynamics: updating demographic models and application to a novel control strategy Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Effect of groundwater inflow on distribution of lampricide and on survival of sea lamprey larvae during a stream treatment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Inter-stream movements of sea lamprey and selected non-target fishes in response to sea lamprey barriers Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Phase I development of an improved sea lamprey barrier Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 A decision analysis to reduce uncertainty in the implementation and operation of sea lamprey barriers. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Defining targets for sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes: Economic injury levels and fish community goal-based targets Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Avoidance behavior of juvenile lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) exposed to Bayluscide 3.2% granular sea lamprey larvicide. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Study of issues related to stream pH and lampricide treatments Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2007 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2008 Resolution Concerning Allegheny National Fish Hatchery Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Resolution Concerning Dredging Small Harbors Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Resolution Concerning Cormorant Management Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 A Joint Strategic Plan for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2007 Lake Superior Technical Committee
2007 Strategy and Options for Promoting the Rehabilitation of Cisco in Lake Huron Lake Huron Committee
2007 Lake Michigan Environmental Objectives Lake Michigan Committee
2007 Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2006 United States Geological Survey
2007 Lambda Review Progress Report Lake Erie Committee Standing Technical Committee
2007 Blue Ribbon Panel Implementation Report Lake Erie Committee Standing Technical Committee
2007 Lake Huron Environmental Objectives Lake Huron Committee
2007 Environmental Objectives: Overview Lake Huron Committee
2007 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2007) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2007 LEC WTG Annual Report (2007) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2007 LEC HTG Annual Report (2007) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2007 LEC FTG Annual Report (2007) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2007 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2007) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2007 The State of Lake Ontario in 2003 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 The State of Lake Superior in 2000 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 Commission hails introduction of Essential Barrier Legislation Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 Great Lakes sturgeon found vulnerable to sea lamprey predation Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 Importation and interstate transportation of silver carp banned Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 Importation and interstate transportation of black variety of Asian carp banned Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 Electrical 'Asian Carp' barrier on Chicago canal passes final legislative hurdle Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 Application of a Dichotomous Key to the Classification of Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus Marks on Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2007) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2007 Lake Michigan Committee
2007 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2006 Lake Michigan Committee
2007 Evaluation of integrated long-term catch data from routine surveys for fish population assessment in Lake Huron, 1973-2004 Fishery Research Program
2007 The effects of food quantity/quality on growth rates and nutritive condition of the opossum shrimp Mysis relicta and the amphipod Diporeia Fishery Research Program
2007 Research into the relationship between abundance, harvest, and value by region for American eel Fishery Research Program
2007 Test of Pheromone Traps to Capture the Invasive Round Goby Fishery Research Program
2007 Integration of Acoustic Technologies: Sonar/Telemetry – A Preliminary Approach Fishery Research Program
2007 The applicability of life history invariants in the Great Lakes Fishery Research Program
2007 Virulence assessments of isolates of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) endemic and exotic to the Great Lakes basin Fishery Research Program
2007 Improving Use of Human Dimensions Information in Great Lakes Fishery Management Fishery Research Program
2007 Conservation genetics of deepwater sculpin in the Great Lakes Fishery Research Program
2007 Co-ordination support for Great Lakes research directed toward the theme of ‘Exotic Invertebrates and Food Web Disruption Fishery Research Program
2007 Exotic Invertebrates, Food-Web Disruption, and Lost Fish Production: Understanding Impacts of Dreissenid and Cladocera Invaders on Lower-Lakes Fish Communities and Forecasting Invasion Impacts on Upper-Lakes Fish Communities Fishery Research Program
2007 Genetic Stock Structure of Lake Whitefish in Northern Lake Michigan and Green Bay Fishery Research Program
2007 Development of an improved medium for primary isolation of Flavobacterium psychrophilum, cause of bacterial coldwater disease Fishery Research Program
2007 Preserved fish as a restoration tool: use of stable isotopes to reconstruct historical Great Lakes food webs Fishery Research Program
2007 Seasonal and diel bathythermal habitat use and habitat overlap of sea lampreys and lake trout as determined with implanted archival tags. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Using stable isotopes to assess potential sea lamprey damage to Lake Superior fishes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Estimating lakewide abundance of lean lake trout in Lake Superior Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Healing, classification and hematological assessments of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) wounds on lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Host-size selection and lethality of sea lamprey on lake sturgeon Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Do static and flow-through toxicity tests yield the same toxicity information? Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Refinement of the TFM:niclosamide pH/Alkalinity predicition tables for determining minimum lethal concentrations of lampricides for applications to streams using ratios other than 1.0% niclosamide in combination with TFM Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Mississquoi River and Bay Lampricide Plume Modeling Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Research to Support Sterile-male-release and Genetic Alteration Techniques for Sea Lamprey Control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Sex steroid control of reproduction in the sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 A field test of the potential for sea lamprey pheromones to promote trapping success in natural streams Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 The neural mechanisms underlying pheromone activated movement in lampreys. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2006 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2007 Advisor Resolution Regarding Ballast Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 Whitefish Natural Mortality Coordination Workshops Science Transfer Program
2006 Compilation and analysis of Lake Erie spatial fisheries data: a proposal to develop inter-agency geo-referenced database of fishery and tagging data to permit spatial analysis of walleye and yellow perch data Science Transfer Program
2006 Review of assessment programs for Great Lake’s whitefish Science Transfer Program
2006 Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2005 United States Geological Survey
2006 A Mid-Decade Review of Progress under a "Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission for the First Decade of the New Millennium" Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 A Mid-Decade Review of Progress under a "Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission for the First Decade of the New Millennium" Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 2006 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
2006 2006 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
2006 2006 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
2006 2006 LEC Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee
2006 LEC WTG Annual Report (2006) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2006 LEC HTG Annual Report (2006) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2006 LEC FTG Annual Report (2006) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2006 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2006) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2006 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2006) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2006 President Bush Appoints David A. Ullrich Of Chicago, Illinois to Great Lakes Fishery Commission Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 GLFC Praises Initiative to Restore Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 GLFC honors individuals for exceptional service to the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 GLFC hails signing of Great Lakes fish and wildlife restoration act Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 Bernie hansen honored for dedicated service to GLFC Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 Application of a dichotomous key to the classification of sea lamprey marks on Great Lakes fish Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 Abreviated field sheet: Application of a dichotomous key to the classification of sea lamprey marks on Great Lakes fish Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2006) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2006 Lake Michigan Committee
2006 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2005 Lake Michigan Committee
2006 EMS research and information coordination meetings: Early Mortality Syndrome Workshop Proceedings Fishery Research Program
2006 Analyzing legal/policy rules and frameworks for fisheries management in the Great Lakes Basin: Identifying and assessing overlaps, conflicts and gaps Fishery Research Program
2006 Comparative modeling of the ecosystem impacts of exotic invertebrates and productivity changes on fisheries in the Bay of Quinte and Oneida Lakes Fishery Research Program
2006 Quantifying the impact of exotic invertebrate invaders on food web structure and function in the Great Lakes: A network analysis approach Fishery Research Program
2006 Study group on fisheries acoustics in the Great Lakes Fishery Research Program
2006 Identification of a genetically diverse and compatible source of bloater (Coregonus hoyi) for reintroduction in Lake Ontario Fishery Research Program
2006 Disruption of alewife recruitment in Lake Michigan by Cercopagis pengoi and Bythotrephes longimanus Fishery Research Program
2006 Round goby and dreissenid effects on young-of-the-year smallmouth bass Fishery Research Program
2006 Recruitment variation in Great Lakes sea lamprey populations - measurement and management implications. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Electroreception in the sea lamprey. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Micro-elemental analysis of statoliths as a tool for tracking tributary origins of sea lamprey. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Evaluation of modification to improve fishway performance. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Distribution and factors affecting survival of sea lamprey eggs in and out of nests. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Development and assessment of a predictive model of metamorphosis for Great Lakes' sea lamprey populations. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Managing fish translocation risks using real options: Sea lamprey pathogen screening as a case study Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Attachment behavior of sea lampreys in relation to substrate characteristics Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Capturing sea lampreys in a fishwheel for sea lamprey management Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Structure determination of the primary components of the sea lamprey migratory pheromone and elucidation of their biological importance Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2005 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2006 Population Dynamics of the St. Marys River Fish Community 1975-2006 St. Marys River Fishery Task Group
2005 Walleye Management Plan Lake Erie Committee
2005 Policy on In-Year Changes to Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for Lake Erie Yellow Perch and Walleye Lake Erie Committee
2005 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2005 Lake Superior Technical Committee
2005 Decision Analysis Application for Lake Erie Walleye Management: Final Report to the Lake Erie Committee Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2005 A Synthesis of Ecological and Fish-Community Changes in Lake Ontario, 1970-2000 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2005 Lake Erie Environmental Objectives Lake Erie Committee
2005 Lake-wide mark and recapture investigation of Lake Michigan yellow perch: evaluation of interstate movements, spawning site fidelity, spawning population abundance, and sources of mortality Science Transfer Program
2005 Coordinated Lake Erie Percid Management Strategy: Report of the Blue Ribbon Panel for Review of Procedures Used to Estimate Percid Harvest 2005 Lake Erie Committee Standing Technical Committee
2005 Blue Ribbon Panel Harvest Assessment Review Lake Erie Committee Standing Technical Committee
2005 Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2004 United States Geological Survey
2005 Proceedings of a Workshop on the Dynamics of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the Amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2005 2005 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
2005 2005 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
2005 2005 Executive Summary Lake Huron Committee
2005 2005 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
2005 2005 LEC Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee
2005 LEC WTG Annual Report (2005) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2005 LEC HTG Annual Report (2005) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2005 LEC FTG Annual Report (2005) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2005 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2005) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2005 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2005) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2005 The State of Lake Michigan in 2000 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2005 The State of Lake Huron in 1999 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2005 Ijc and GLFC praise sport fishers for collecting funds for chicago-area invasive species barrier Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2005 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2005) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2005 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2005 Lake Michigan Committee
2005 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2004 Lake Michigan Committee
2005 Mycobacteriosis: A potential threat to Great Lakes fisheries Fishery Research Program
2005 Effect of thiamine deficiency on disease resistance in lake trout Fishery Research Program
2005 Epizootic Epitheliotropic Disease (EED) of lake trout: Detection and identification of the causative virus (EEDV) Fishery Research Program
2005 Population dynamics of burbot in the eastern basin of Lake Erie Fishery Research Program
2005 Host-specificity, modes of transmission and pathogenicity of the parasite Heterosporis sp. (Microsporida: Pleistophoridae) in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from the Bay of Quinte in Lake Ontario and inland lakes of Minnesota and Wisconsin Fishery Research Program
2005 Genetic markers to distinguish and quantify the level of gene flow between northern brook and silver lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
2005 Evaluation of alternative sampling stategies for stream fish assessment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2005 The use of gynogensesis and androgenesis to determine genetic sex of sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2005 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2004 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2005 Cormorant Resolution Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2005 Position Statement on Changing Water Level Effects on Lake Erie and the Lake St. Clair Ecosystems Lake Erie Committee
2004 Compilation and analyses of Lake Superior salmonine diets: a multi-agency collaboration Science Transfer Program
2004 Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2003 United States Geological Survey
2004 2004 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
2004 2004 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
2004 2004 Executive Summary Lake Huron Committee
2004 2004 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
2004 2004 LEC Executive Summary (Part 2) Lake Erie Committee
2004 2004 LEC Executive Summary (Part 1) Lake Erie Committee
2004 Expanding the use of fish models for Lake Huron Science Transfer Program
2004 LEC WTG Annual Report (2004) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2004 LEC FTG Annual Report (2004) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2004 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2004) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2004 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2004) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2004 Commission Lauds Today's groundbreaking for 'Asian Carp' barrier Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2004 Catch Limits Set for Lake Erie Walleye and Yellow Perch in 2004 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2004 IJC and GLFC Urge Bi-national Action to Prevent Invasive Species Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2004 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2004) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2004 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2004 Lake Superior Technical Committee
2004 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2004 Lake Michigan Committee
2004 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2003 Lake Michigan Committee
2004 Lake Huron case study and cross lake comparisons of top predators Fishery Research Program
2004 Status and assessment, research, and restoration needs for lake herring in the Great Lakes. Fishery Research Program
2004 Fish Communities of the Laurentian Great Lakes: The SCOL Tradition Revisited for the 21st Century Fishery Research Program
2004 Pivotal events in the history of Great Lakes fisheries: the effects of environmental, social, and technological changes Fishery Research Program
2004 The challenge of inferring possible effects of climate change on Great Lakes fisheries: models that link habitat supply to population dynamics can help Fishery Research Program
2004 Exploration of the existence of natural reproduction in Lake Erie lake trout using otolith microchemistry Fishery Research Program
2004 Natural lake trout strain identification in Lake Huron Fishery Research Program
2004 Studies on sea lamprey reproduction: Fertility assessment in males and females Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Understanding variabilities in lamprey gametes quality in relation to availability of nutrients in host fish Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Native Ichthyomyzon lampreys of the Great Lakes Basin: Development of genetic markers and a morphological key to ammocoetes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Movement and population size of sea lamprey in Lake Champlain and its tributaries Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Field trials to evaluate the potential use of pheromones in sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Identifying and producing the sea lamprey migratory pheromone Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Purification and characterization of anti-microbial bioactive peptides from the sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2003 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2004 Resolution Concerning Lake Trout Coded Wire Tagging Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2004 Resolution Concerning Allegheny National Fish Hatchery and Development and Allocation of Mitigation Fishery Reimbursement Funds Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2004 Resolution Concerning Funding for Construction of a Second Electrical Barrier on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, for Upgrades and Continued Operation of the Existing Barrier, and for a Project to Investigate Permanent Hydrological Separation of the G Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2004 Resolution Concerning Stocking of Inland Transferred and/or Cultured Yellow Perch into Lake Michigan Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2004 Resolution Concerning Organisms in Trade Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2004 Resolution Concerning USGS Large Vessel Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2004 Resolution Concerning Problems with Burning Coal and Benefits of Wind Power Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2004 Resolution Concerning USCG Proposed Ballast Water Management Regulations Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2004 Resolution Concerning American Eels Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2003 A new signal processing system of inter-agency fisheries acoustic surveys in Lake Erie Science Transfer Program
2003 Possible Impediments to Lake Trout Restoration In Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan Committee
2003 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2003 Lake Superior Technical Committee
2003 Effects of low level aquatic contaminants on lake trout reproduction: implication in lake trout rehabilitation Science Transfer Program
2003 Draft Fish Community Goals and Objectives for Lake St. Clair, St. Clair River and Detroit River (St. Clair System) Lake Erie Committee
2003 Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 2002 United States Geological Survey
2003 2003 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
2003 2003 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
2003 2003 Executive Summary (Attached Documents) Lake Michigan Committee
2003 2003 Executive Summary Lake Huron Committee
2003 2003 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
2003 2003 LEC Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee
2003 Evaluating the ability of the Great Lakes Science Center of the U.S. Geological Survey to deliver the large-vessel program
2003 Development of a lakewide electronic database for lower trophic level monitoring in Lake Erie Science Transfer Program
2003 LEC WTG Annual Report (2003) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2003 LEC FTG Annual Report (2003) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2003 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2003) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2003 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2003) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2003 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Huron) Sea Lamprey Control Program
2003 Fish-Community Goals and Objectives for Lake Erie Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2003 Fish-Community Objectives for Lake Superior Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2003 GLFC deeply encouraged by environmental restoration legislation Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2003 New study reveals existence of compartments in natural food webs Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2003 A brook trout rehabilitation plan for Lake Superior Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2003 A Lake Sturgeon Rehabilitation Plan for Lake Superior Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2003 A Rehabilitation Plan for Walleye Populations and Habitats in Lake Superior Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2003 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2003) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2003 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2003 Lake Superior Technical Committee
2003 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2003 Lake Michigan Committee
2003 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2002 Lake Michigan Committee
2003 2003 Lake Ontario Fish Community Objectives Update Lake Ontario Committee
2003 Ecosystem-based assessment of fish habitat in coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes Fishery Research Program
2003 Effects of egg and fry predators on lake trout recruitment in Lake Michigan Fishery Research Program
2003 Assessing ecological fitness of fish populations of the world's large water bodies Fishery Research Program
2003 Assessing Gains and Losses of Riverine Habitat in the Great Lakes Fishery Research Program
2003 Elemental composition of statoliths of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) (2003) Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 Integration of sea lamprey functional response model and lake trout stock assessment models Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 Effects of mortality sources on population viability of lake sturgeon: A stage-structured model approach Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 Regulation and Manipulation of Metamorphosis in Sea Lampreys: The Relevance of a Sea Lamprey Obesity Factor and Brook Lamprey Life History Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 Hydraulic, hydrological, and biological characteristics of effective sea lamprey barriers Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 A performance evaluation of fishways at sea lamprey barriers and controlled modifications to improve fishway performance Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 A First Step Towards Developing a Field Test to Determine Whether a Larval Pheromone Can Be Used in Seq Lamprey Control: Ascertaining its Effects on Adult Behavior in a Lake and Characterizing the Completer Pheromone Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 Molecular cloning of Petromyzonol (PZ) Sulfotransferase (SULT) of Petromyzon marinus (Sea Lamprey) and enzymatic synthesis of PZ Sulfate (PZS) Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 The analysis of pheromone identification by sea lamprey through functional imaging of olfactory glomeruli Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Erie) Sea Lamprey Control Program
2003 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Michigan) Sea Lamprey Control Program
2003 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Ontario) Sea Lamprey Control Program
2003 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Superior) Sea Lamprey Control Program
2002 Reassessment of the Lake Trout Population Collapse in Lake Michigan during the 1940s Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2002 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2002 Lake Superior Technical Committee
2002 Position Statement on American Eel Lake Ontario Committee
2002 2002 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
2002 2002 Executive Summary Lake Huron Committee
2002 2002 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
2002 2002 LEC Executive Summary (attached documents) Lake Erie Committee
2002 2002 LEC Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee
2002 Lake Michigan 2001 Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations (ppt) United States Geological Survey
2002 LEC WTG Annual Report (2002) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2002 LEC FTG Annual Report (2002) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2002 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2002) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2002 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2002) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2002 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2001 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2002 Environmental Assessment Tool for Aquaculture in the Great Lakes Basin Version 1.2.
2002 Duluth, Minnesota to Host Prominent Fisheries Assembly Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2002 Sea Lampreys Invade Chicago Boat Show Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2002 Canadian and U.S. Audits Call Attention to Serious Invasive Species Threat Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2002 Agencies Take Emergency Action To Defend Against Asian Carp Invasion Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2002 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2002) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2002 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2002 Lake Superior Technical Committee
2002 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2002 Lake Michigan Committee
2002 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2001 Lake Michigan Committee
2002 Lake Trout Trofic Ecology in Little Moose Lake, N.Y. Fishery Research Program
2002 Network to coordinate research on fish habitat in the near-shore and tributary environments of the Great Lakes Fishery Research Program
2002 Binational GIS Database of Coastal Wetlands for Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence: A Demonstration Project (appendices available upon request) Fishery Research Program
2002 Buoyancy Strategies of the Bloater (Coregonus hoyi Gill) Fishery Research Program
2002 Formulating a vision for fish health research in the Great Lakes Fishery Research Program
2002 Effect of pressure on oxygen uptake in bloater Fishery Research Program
2002 Genetic assignment of sea lamprey larval parentage as a means of assessing mechanisms underlying adult reproductive success and larval dispersal Sea Lamprey Research Program
2002 Experimental Determination of the Function, Production and Release of a Sea Lamprey Male Pheromone Sea Lamprey Research Program
2002 Experimental examination of factors affecting polygyny and polyandry of sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) as a means of optimizing sterile female release Sea Lamprey Research Program
2002 Improving the Design and Operation of Fishways, Traps, and Barriers: An Annotated Bibliography Sea Lamprey Research Program
2002 Resolution in Support of USGS Great Lakes Science Center: Fisheries Assessment Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2002 Resolution Related to the Army Corps Great Lakes Navigation Study Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2002 Resolution Concerning Additional Funding for Continued Operation and Evaluation for the Chicago River Sanitary Ship Canal Electric Trans-migration Barrier Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2002 Position Statement on LaMP Rehabilitation of Nearshore Habitat and Lower Tributaries Lake Erie Committee
2002 Population Dynamics of the St. Marys River Fish Community 1975-2002 St. Marys River Fishery Task Group
2001 Draft Fish Community Objectives for the St. Lawrence River Lake Ontario Committee
2001 Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission for the First Decade of the New Millennium (Original) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 Constraints on growth of Lake Superior lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush Science Transfer Program
2001 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2001 Lake Superior Technical Committee
2001 N. L. Michigan / Green Bay Whitefish Stocks  Lake Michigan Technical Committee
2001 Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 2000 United States Geological Survey
2001 Walleye Rehabilitation Plan Lake Superior Committee
2001 2001 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
2001 2001 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
2001 2001 Executive Summary Lake Huron Committee
2001 2001 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
2001 American eel paper Lake Ontario Committee
2001 2001 LEC Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee
2001 LEC WTG Annual Report (2001) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2001 LEC FTG Annual Report (2001) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
2001 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2001) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2001 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2001) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2001 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2000 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2001 GLFC Honors Vic Gillman Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 GLFC Honors Those Involved in Tribal Settlement for Work to Forge Historic Fisheries Agreement Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 GLFC Honors Ed Makauskas Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 GLFC-IJC news release on ballast management Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2001) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2001 Lake Superior Technical Committee
2001 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2001 Lake Michigan Committee
2001 Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2000 Lake Michigan Committee
2001 Linking fish population dynamics to habitat conditions: insights from the application of a process-oriented approach to multiple species Fishery Research Program
2001 Great Lakes acoustics workshop IV: Inter-calibration of scientific echosounders in the Great Lakes Fishery Research Program
2001 Emerging Technologies Workshop Fishery Research Program
2001 A description of the migratory behavior of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Pere Marquette River, Michigan Fishery Research Program
2001 Enhancing stock assessment modeling and management of Great Lakes fisheries Fishery Research Program
2001 Testing and extension of a lamprey feeding model Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Studies on the role of sperm-activating proteins and the mechanism of protease inhibitor(s) reaction for controlling fertilization in sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Compensatory mechanisms in Great Lakes sea lamprey populations: An integrated program of research and assessment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Comparison of larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) population dynamics in lampricide treated and untreated tributaries of Lake Champlain Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Compensatory Mechanisms in Great Lake Sea Lamprey Populations: An Integrated Program of Research and Assessment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Determining the sources and complete chemical composition of the lamprey larval pheromone, and assessing the merit of measuring one of its principal components in river waters - Phase II Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Application of Decision Analysis to Great Lakes sea lamprey management Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Resolution Concerning Annex 2001 to the Great Lakes Charter Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 Resolution Concerning Oil and Gas Exploration and Drilling Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 Resolution Concerning Double Crested Cormorants Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 Resolution Concerning Boundary Waters Fishing Regulations Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 Resolution Concerning Avian Botulism Research Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 Resolution Concerning Great Lakes Navigation Study Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 Resolution Concerning Minimum Size Limits On Lake Trout Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 Resolution Concerning Effective use of TFM to Control the Parasitic Sea Lamprey Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2001 The 2001 Assessment of Perch in Lake Erie; A Review Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2000 St. Lawrence River Fish Community Objectives - Report Lake Ontario Committee
2000 St. Lawrence River Fish Community Objectives - NY letter to stakeholders Lake Ontario Committee
2000 St. Lawrence River Fish Community Objectives - ON letter to stakeholders Lake Ontario Committee
2000 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2000 Lake Superior Technical Committee
2000 DNA-based markers for assessment of genetic population structure in yellow perch Science Transfer Program
2000 Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1999 United States Geological Survey
2000 2000 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
2000 2000 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
2000 2000 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
2000 2000 LEC Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee
2000 LEC WTG Annual Report (2000) Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group
2000 LEC HTG Annual Report (2000) Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group
2000 LEC YPTG Annual Report (2000) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
2000 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1999 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2000 Lake Erie Committee Cautious About Walleye For 2000 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2000 Senate Committee Acts to Protect Great Lakes Fishery Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2000 International Committee Taking Action to Protect Lake Erie Walleye Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2000 Great Lakes Fishery Commission to Honor National Marine Manufacturers Association Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2000 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2000) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2000 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2000 Lake Superior Technical Committee
2000 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2000 Lake Michigan Committee
2000 2000 Executive Summary Lake Huron Committee
2000 Checklists of the fish fauna of the Laurentian Great Lakes and their connecting channels (Canadian Manuscript Reports of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2550) Fishery Research Program
2000 Potential use of GnRH analogs for sterilizing male sea lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Collection of lamprey brains and pituitaries for purification of hormones Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Contaminant burdens in Great Lakes sea lamprey: a 1998 spatial survey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Contaminant Burdens in Great Lakes Larval Sea Lamprey: A 1999 Spatial Survey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Large-scale production of petromyzonol sulfate from lamprey liver cell cultures and culture of sea lamprey pituitary cells Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 A putative male sea lamprey sex pheromone: its function, identity, and potential application in sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Sea lamprey barrier life cycle and operational protocols Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Biological impact of low-head barrier dams Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Determining the sources and complete chemical composition of the lamprey larval pheromone, and assessing the merit of measuring one of its principal components in river waters - Phase I Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Determining the next steps in the research and development of the migratory pheromone for use in sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 IMSL Systems Support Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Resolution Concerning State and Provincial Lawmaking to Require Mandatory Ballast Treatment Prior to Discharge into the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2000 Position Statement on Ballast Water Management Lake Erie Committee
2000 Harvest of fishes in the St. Marys River, May, 1999 through March, 2000 St. Marys River Fishery Task Group
2000 LEC FTG Annual Report (2000) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1999 Review, updates, and transfer of the SIMPLE model to the Lake Michigan Technical Committee Science Transfer Program
1999 Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1998 United States Geological Survey
1999 Native Prey Fish Re-Introduction into Lake Ontario:Bloater(Coregonus hoyi) Lake Ontario Committee
1999 1999 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
1999 1999 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
1999 1999 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
1999 1999 LEC Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee
1999 LEC YPTG Annual Report (1999) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
1999 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1998 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1999 Sensitivity of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) to the Lampricide 3-Triflouromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) in Field and Laboratory Exposures Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Research Priorities for Lake Trout Rehabilitation in the Great Lakes: A 15-Year Retrospective Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Effects of the Lampricide 3-Triflouromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) on pH, Net Oxygen Production, and Respiration by Algae Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Fish-Community Objectives for Lake Ontario Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 President?s FY 2000 Budget Includes Increased Funding? for Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Great Lakes Fishery Commission to Honor Michigan Boating Industries Association Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Expands Canadian Committee of Advisors Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Receives Prestigious William E. Ricker Resource Conservation Award Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Hails U.S. Increase For Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Public Meeting Provides Report and Recommendations on Great Lakes Aquaculture Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 International Effort Eliminates Nearly Half of the Sea lampreys in the St. Marys River Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Congressman Knollenberg, Michigan Delegation Rally to Protect the Great Lakes Fishery Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1999) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 1999 Lake Superior Technical Committee
1999 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 1999 Lake Michigan Committee
1999 1999 Executive Summary Lake Huron Committee
1999 Double Crested Cormorants-are they a cause for concern? Lake Ontario Committee
1999 Habitat Changes-Thousand Islands, Middle Corridor, and Lake St. Lawrence Lake Ontario Committee
1999 Fish Communities and Fisheries of Lake St. Lawrence Lake Ontario Committee
1999 Fish Communities and Fisheries of the Thousand Islands and Middle Corridor Lake Ontario Committee
1999 Change in the energy density of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) during its parasitic phase: Implications for modeling food consumption and growth Sea Lamprey Research Program
1999 Choosing TFM or a barrier with the net present cost method Sea Lamprey Research Program
1999 Choosing TFM or a barrier with the net present cost method Sea Lamprey Research Program
1999 An evaluation of the effect of sea lamprey low-head barriers on teleost communities using available (historical) data Sea Lamprey Research Program
1999 A description of the migratory behavior of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and longnose suckers (Catostomus catastomus) in the Pere Marquette River, Michigan Sea Lamprey Research Program
1999 Position Statement on Structuring Native Fish Communities in the Twenty-First Century Lake Erie Committee
1999 LEC FTG Annual Report (1999) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1998 A lake trout restoration guide for Lake Huron Lake Huron Committee
1998 Review of recommendations made to the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission on sea lamprey control and research, 1975-1987
1998 Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1997 United States Geological Survey
1998 1998 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
1998 1998 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
1998 1998 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
1998 1998 LEC Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee
1998 LEC YPTG Annual Report (1998) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
1998 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1997 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1998 Report of the evaluation of the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission program of sea lamprey barrier dams with appendices.
1998 Senator Abraham to Visit Great Lakes Fishery Commission and Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1998 Lake Erie Committee: Phosphorous Targets Achieved in Lake Erie Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1998 Thunder Bay, Ontario to host Lakes Michigan, Superior, and Huron Committee Meetings Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1998 Fisheries and Oceans Minister David Anderson Announces Increased Support for the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1998 Niagara Falls, Ontario to host Lakes Erie and Ontario Committee Meetings Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1998 Sea Lampreys Finding 'Keep Out' Sign at Renovated Rogers City Dam Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1998 Sea Lampreys Finding 'Keep Out' Sign at Renovated Harden Furniture Inc. Dam Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1998 A Lake Trout Rehabilitation Guide for Lake Huron Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1998 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1998) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1998 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 1998 Lake Michigan Committee
1998 Lakewide Assessment Plan for Lake Michigan Fish Communities Lake Michigan Committee
1998 1998 Executive Summary Lake Huron Committee
1998 Proceedings of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Biodiversity Workshop for Citizens: Biodiversity Task presentations and discussion summaries Fishery Research Program
1998 Summary report: Examining the role of biodiversity in managing Great Lakes fishery resources Fishery Research Program
1998 Age discrimination and statolith diversity in sea lamprey from streams with varying alkalinity Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Potential fecundity of landlocked sea lamprey larvae, Petromyzon marinus, with typical and atypical gonads Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Ecology of recruitment in sea lamprey-summary Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Feeding ecology and habitat use by larval lampreys in Great Lakes tributaries Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Elemental composition of statoliths of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) (1998) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Regulation of function in spermatozoa of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). The first step to contraception. Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Growth of larval sea lamprey from anadromous and landlocked populations Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Unusual sex ratios in larval sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, from Great Lakes tributaries Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Gonadal variation in Great Lakes sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, larvae Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Hormonal control of metamorphosis in sea lampreys: Examination of the potential for alteration of life history type Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 A model for transport of lampricides in St. Marys River and Lampricide transport simulation model users manual Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Duration of river residence of newly-hatched lake sturgeon: Implications for sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Lamprey cell cultures for in vitro production of pheromonally active bile acids Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 The interaction among male, female and sterile male sea lampreys during spawning in the Carp River, Lake Superior Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Radio telemetry investigations of the upstream migratory behavior of sea lampreys, including sterilized males Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Upstream migration of sea lampreys with radio transmitters in three tributaries to Lake Superior Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Fishery assessment of the Big Creek, Lake Erie, inflatable barrier and fishway project Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 The influence of pheromones on the distributional biology of adult sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Integrated management of sea lamprey decision support tools version 2.0 Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Application of Decision Analysis to Great Lakes sea lamprey management: A preliminary analysis Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 The recreational fishing value of sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Position Statement on Lower Trophic Level Changes and Their Implications to Fish Lake Erie Committee
1998 Position Statement on Phosphorus Management in Lake Erie Lake Erie Committee
1998 LEC FTG Annual Report (1998) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1997 Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1996 United States Geological Survey
1997 1997 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
1997 1997 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
1997 1997 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
1997 1997 LEC Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee
1997 LEC YPTG Annual Report (1997) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
1997 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1996 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1997 Lake Huron Committee: Lake Huron Committee Sanctions Plan to Control St. Marys River Sea Lampreys (News Release) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Agencies Review Joint Strategic Plan for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Lake Erie Committee: Lake Erie Yellow Perch Improving (News Release) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Lake Superior Committee: Lake Superior Committee Stresses Need to Protect Fishery Rehabilitation Gains (News Release) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Lake MichiganCommittee: Fishery Officials Concerned About Increased Sea Lamprey Wounding in Lake Michigan (News Release) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Landmark Great Lakes Fisheries Plan to be Signed in Ottawa Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Commission Applauds Governor Engler's Proposal for Enhanced Sea Lamprey Control (News Release) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Letter to the Editor concerning Michigan's contribution to sea lamprey control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1997) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 1997 Lake Superior Technical Committee
1997 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 1997 Lake Michigan Committee
1997 1997 Executive Summary Lake Huron Committee
1997 Integration of sea lamprey functional response model and lake trout stock assessment models for Lake Superior and Lake Huron Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Identification of MFO and estrogenic compounds in TFM formulations Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Movements of walleye and lake sturgeon in the Bad River, Wisconsin, with regard to potential sea lamprey barrier sites Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Biological impacts of low-head barrier dams historical database Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Fish passage and lamprey exclusion aspects at the Dow Dam, Chippewa River, Michigan Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Standard departmental procedures for environmental screening of proposed lamprey barriers Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Resolution Concerning Submerged logs Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Resolution Concerning St. Marys River Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Resolution Concerning Funding for sea lamprey control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Resolution Concerning RUFFE Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Position Statement on Productivity and Rainbow Smelt Lake Erie Committee
1996 Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1995 National Biological Survey
1996 1996 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
1996 1996 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
1996 1996 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
1996 1996 LEC Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee
1996 LEC YPTG Annual Report (1996) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
1996 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1995 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1996 Great Lakes Fishery Agencies, Dow Chemical Team up to Protect Great Lakes Fishery Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 U.S. Members Announce Slight Increase in 1996 Fish Quotas; Committee Notes Significant Changes in Lake Erie Fishery Productivity Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 Commission Celebrates Lake trout restoration, Unveils Website, Honors Leadership, and Considers Invasive Species Legislation During Annual Meeting Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Management Agencies to Conduct Essential Dye Study in Preparation for Future St. Marys River Sea Lamprey Control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 Canada Restores Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control Program Funding Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 Canada Pledges to Maintain Great Lakes Fishery Convention Act Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 U.S. House and Senate Agree on Funding for Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 Serious Yellow Perch Decline Continues in Lake Michigan Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 Lake Superior Lake Trout Restoration Proclaimed a Major Victory Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 St. Marys River Lamprey Control Key to the Health of the Lake Huron Fishery Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 A Lake Trout Restoration Plan for Lake Superior Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1996) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 1996 Lake Superior Technical Committee
1996 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 1996 Lake Michigan Committee
1996 Conducting Diet Studies of Lake Michigan Piscivores. Lake Michigan Committee
1996 1996 Executive Summary Lake Huron Committee
1996 Estimation of sea lamprey predation on lake trout in U.S. and Canadian waters of Lake Huron Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Effects of lamprey GnRH-I and III on reproductive processes and behavior of male sea lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Short-term sterile male release evaluation Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Feasibility of using strobe lights to direct sea lamprey movement Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Methods used to Capture Lampreys, Geotria australis, in New Zealand Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Identifying the seasonality of olfactory function of migratory adult sea lamprey and the distribution of water-borne lamprey bile acids in the Great lakes to determine whether bile acids function as the lamprey migratory pheromone Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 GnRH neuronal migratory mechanisms during lamprey brain development Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 The effect of velocity barrier construction in the McIntyre River on the fish and lamprey community Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Sea lamprey olfactory activity: prolarvae and larvae Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Olfactory mucosa neural responses in prolarval sea lampreys: a basis for pheromone communication during settlement to larval habitat Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Compensatory mechanisms in larval sea lamprey populations Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Integrated management of sea lamprey decision support tools version 1.11 Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 LEC FTG Annual Report (1996) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1995 Review of Progress under the Strategic Vision Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1994 National Biological Survey
1995 1995 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
1995 LEC YPTG Annual Report (1995) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
1995 Early Changes in the Fish Community of Lake Ontario Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) Toxicities to Sea Lampreys, Rainbow Trout, and Mayfly Nymphs in Continuous and Interrupted 9-h Exposures Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 Comparison of Mark Retention and Survival of Sea Lamprey Larvae Marked by Pigment Injection and Tail Clipping Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 Fish-Community Objectives for Lake Huron Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 The State of Lake Huron in 1992 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 Fish-Community Objectives for Lake Michigan Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 Fishery Management Officials Re-Examine Ruffe Control Strategy Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Holds Annual Meeting in Toronto Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1995) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 1995 Lake Michigan Committee
1995 A feasibility study to determine the immediate source of carbon filtered by Petromyzon marinus ammocoetes from the Root River, Sault Ste. Marie, through use of stable carbon isotope analysis Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Studies towards a more efficient method of predicting metamorphosis Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Hormonal sterilization of early lamprey larvae Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Effect of larval sea lamprey density on growth Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 A model for transport of lampricides in St. Marys River Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Short-term evaluation of sterile male release in selected lake superior tributaries and the St. Marys River Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Lamprey cell lines for studies of cellular endocrinology and development of in vitro assays for biological lampricides Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Induced sterility and sex inversion in lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Assessment of alternative sea lamprey control research priorities Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Integrated management of sea lamprey database review Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 LEC FTG Annual Report (1995) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1994 Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1993 National Biological Survey
1994 1994 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
1994 1994 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
1994 1994 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
1994 1994 LEC Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee
1994 LEC YPTG Annual Report (1994) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
1994 An Introduction to Economic Valuation Principles for Fisheries Management Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1994 The State of Lake Superior in 1992 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1994 Walleye-Rehabilitation Guidelines for the Great Lakes Area Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1994 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1994) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1994 Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 1994 Lake Michigan Committee
1994 1994 Executive Summary Lake Huron Committee
1994 Ecosystem Watch: Status of the Lake Ontario Ecosystem Lake Ontario Committee
1994 Comparison of lake trout-egg survival at inshore and offshore and shallow-water and deepwater sites in Lake Superior Fishery Research Program
1994 Implement the SIMPLE Model in a MS windows environment Fishery Research Program
1994 Value systems and attitudes of fishery and environmental managers related to lake trout rehabilitation Fishery Research Program
1994 Great Lakes Fishery Commission ecosystem partnership coordination Fishery Research Program
1994 Sustainability of intensively managed populations in lake ecosystems (SIMPLE) Fishery Research Program
1994 Year-class recruitment processes of lake trout: role of fry predation by alewives Fishery Research Program
1994 Hormonal and environmental cues of metamorphosis in Petromyzon marinus Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Isolation of bioactive components of commercial TFM formations Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Development of detailed digital bathymetric map of the St. Marys River for sea lamprey larval sampling and analysis with Survey Designer Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Use of a surrogate lamprey for quality control of the auto-injector Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Sea lamprey barriers: New concepts and research needs (workshop report) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Determining why the sea lamprey olfactory system is extremely sensitive to bile acids: Are bile acids pheromones? Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Interaction of the olfactory and endocrine systems in sea lamprey development: toward an integrated bio-chemical control Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1994 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1994 LEC FTG Annual Report (1994) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1993 Status of Alewives, Bloaters, Rainbow Smelt, Slimy Sculpins, Deepwater Sculpins, and Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan (1992) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1993 1993 Executive Summary Lake Superior Committee
1993 1993 Executive Summary Lake Michigan Committee
1993 1993 Executive Summary Lake Ontario Committee
1993 1993 LEC Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee
1993 LEC YPTG Annual Report (1993) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
1993 Food of Salmonine Predators in Lake Superior, 1981-87 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1993 Great Lakes Fish Disease Control Policy and Model Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1993 Protocol to Minimize the Risk of Introducing Emergency Disease Agents with Importation of Salmonid Fishes from Enzootic Areas Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1993 Toward Integrating Remedial-Action and Fishery-Management Planning in Great Lakes Areas of Concern Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1993 A Survey of Fish-Community and Habitat Goals/Objectives/Targets and Status in Great Lakes Areas of Concern Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1993 What's Next? The Prediction and Management of Exotic Species in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1993 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1993) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1993 1993 Executive Summary Lake Huron Committee
1993 Issues and approaches in applied valuation Fishery Research Program
1993 Identification of the nutritional resource supporting growth in larvae of two lamprey species in the Great Lakes basin Sea Lamprey Research Program
1993 Metamorphosis: Biological control for sea lampreys (mini-workshop report) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1993 Luring lampreys: Assessing the feasibility of using odorants to control sea lamprey in the Great Lakes (mini-workshop reports) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1993 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1993 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1993 LEC FTG Annual Report (1993) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1992 Status of Alewives, Bloaters, Rainbow Smelt, Slimy Sculpins, Deepwater Sculpins, and Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan (1991) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1992 Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission for the Decade of the 1990s Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1992 LEC YPTG Annual Report (1992) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
1992 Effect of the Lampricide 3- Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol on Dissolved Oxygen in Aquatic Systems Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1992 Effect of pH on the Toxicity of TFM to Sea Lamprey Larvae and Nontarget Species during a Stream Treatment Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1992 Toxicity of 2', 5-Dichloro-4'-Nitrosalicylanilide (Bayer 73) to Three Genera of Larval Lampreys Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1992 Surficial Substrates and Bathymetry of Five Historical Lake Trout Spawning Reefs in Near-Shore Waters of the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1992 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1992) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1992 An introduction to economic valuation principles for fisheries management Fishery Research Program
1992 Applications and extensions of the economic aspects of fisheries management: An annotated bibliography Fishery Research Program
1992 Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) spawning habitat on Clay Banks Reef, Northwestern Lake Michigan Fishery Research Program
1992 Dynamics of lake trout reproduction: distribution and density of eggs and fry on cobble substrate Fishery Research Program
1992 Economic values and policy Fishery Research Program
1992 The theory behind economic values Fishery Research Program
1992 Vertebrate sex determination/differentiation workshop (mini-workshop report) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1992 Current pest control techniques - potential applications for sea lamprey control (mini-workshop report) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1992 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1992 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1992 LEC FTG Annual Report (1992) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1991 Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1990 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1991 LEC YPTG Annual Report (1991) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
1991 Status of Walleye in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1991 Lake Michigan: An Ecosystem Approach for Remediation of Critical Pollutants and Management of Fish Communities Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1991 The State of the Lake Ontario Fish Community in 1989 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1991 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1991) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1991 Diagnosis of the disease agent in epizootic epithelial disease Fishery Research Program
1991 Exotic species in the Great Lakes: A history of biotic crises and anthropogenic introductions Fishery Research Program
1991 Use of statoliths to validate the age-composition of sea lamprey populations estimated from length-frequency distributions Sea Lamprey Research Program
1991 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1991 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1991 LEC FTG Annual Report (1991) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1990 Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1989 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1990 LEC YPTG Annual Report (1990) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
1990 Effects of the Lampricide 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol on Macroinvertebrate Populations in a Small Stream Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1990 Resistance to 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) in Sea Lamprey Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1990 Effects of Changes in Dissolved Oxygen on the Toxicity of 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) to Sea Lamprey and Rainbow Trout Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1990 Fish Community Objectives for Lake Superior Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1990 International Position Statement and Evaluation Guidelines for Artificial Reefs in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1990 Lake Superior: The State of the Lake in 1989 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1990 An Ecosystem Approach to the Integrity of the Great Lakes in Turbulent Times Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1990 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1990) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1990 Lake trout spawning habitat in the six fathom bank - yankee reef lake trout sanctuary, Lake Huron Fishery Research Program
1990 Superficial substrates and bathymetry of five historical lake trout spawning reefs in nearshore waters of the Great Lakes Fishery Research Program
1990 Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) mortality - a review Fishery Research Program
1990 Comparison of substrate selected by spawning lake trout, and evaluation of techniques for egg collection Fishery Research Program
1990 A guide to understand the economic impacts of fisheries management Fishery Research Program
1990 Identification of lake trout stocks using nuclear ribosomal DNA Fishery Research Program
1990 Development of lake trout cell lines for virology research Fishery Research Program
1990 Estimating larval population densities of landlocked sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 Relationships of size and proportion of male sea lamprey with salmonid populations in the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 A study of the feasibility of developing a Habitat Suitability Index for sea lamprey habitat in streams of the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 Collection of lamprey tissues for purification of hormones Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 Occurrence, relative abundance and size of landlocked sea lamprey ammocoetes in relation to stream characteristics in the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 The effect of environmental variables on the population dynamics of sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 Proposal for the experimental manipulations of of lake trout and sea lamprey populations in Stuart Lake, Ontario Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1990 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1990 LEC FTG Annual Report (1990) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1989 Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1988 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1989 LEC YPTG Annual Report (1989) Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group
1989 A Decision Support System for the Integrated Management of Sea Lamprey Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1989 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1989) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1989 Studies of homing and reproductive biology of lake trout (part 3--rearing and stocking of early life stages) Fishery Research Program
1989 Development of a mini-tissue technique for the rapid analysis of mitochondrial DNA in lake trout Fishery Research Program
1989 Great Lakes policy exercise: Lake St. Clair feasibility study project completion report Fishery Research Program
1989 Lake Ontario: A Great Lake in transition. Great Lakes Monograph No. 2 Fishery Research Program
1989 Costs of fisheries rehabilitation in Green Bay and the Bay of Quinte Fishery Research Program
1989 Identification of the sources and amount of lake trout egg and fry mortality on a reef in Lake Ontario Fishery Research Program
1989 Quantified laboratory assessment of larval lamprey substrate selection Sea Lamprey Research Program
1989 Evaluation of models for integrated management of sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
1989 A decision support system for the integrated management of sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
1989 Public opinion on sea lamprey in the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
1989 Status of the IFYGL biota of Lake Ontario during International Field Year for the Great Lakes, 1972-1973 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1989 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1989 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1989 LEC FTG Annual Report (1989) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1988 Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1987 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1988 Parasites of Fishes in the Canadian Waters of the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1988 Guide for Determining Application Rates of Lampricides for Control of Sea Lamprey Ammocetes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1988 Relation of pH to Toxicity of Lampricide TFM in the Laboratory Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1988 Sterilizing Effect of Cesium-137 Irradiation on Male Sea Lampreys Released in the Big Garlic River, Michigan Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1988 Economics of Great Lakes Fisheries: A 1985 Assessment Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1988 Committee of the Whole Workshop on Implementation of the Joint Strategic Plan for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1988 Age Structured Stock Assessment of Lake Erie Walleye Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1988 A Proposal for a Bioassay Procedure to Assess Impact of Habitat Conditions on Lake Trout Reproduction in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1988 The International Great Lakes Sport Fishery of 1980 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1988 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1988) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1988 Distribution and population status of the ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernau) in the St. Louis Estuary and Lake Superior Fishery Research Program
1988 Culture and detection of the bacterial kidney disease agent Fishery Research Program
1988 Analogs to Control Reproduction in the Sea Lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
1988 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1988 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1988 LEC FTG Annual Report (1988) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1987 Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1986 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1987 A Comparison of Two Methods for the Simultaneous Determination of TFM and Bayer 73 Concentrations Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1987 Elimination of 14C-Bisazir Residues in Adult Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1987 Using the Lake Trout as an Indicator of Ecosystem Health-Application of the Dichotomous Key Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1987 Workshop to Evaluate Sea Lamprey Populations "WESLP" Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1987 Guidelines for Fish Habitat Management and Planning in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1987 Temperature Relationships of Great Lakes Fishes: A Data Compilation Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1987 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1987) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1987 Mitochondrial DNA diversity among brood stocks of the lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) Fishery Research Program
1987 Great Lakes lake trout research inventory Fishery Research Program
1987 Genetic guidelines for fisheries management Fishery Research Program
1987 Regulation of water quality in Lake Michigan: Report of the food web workshop Fishery Research Program
1987 Application of genetic techniques to stock identification in lake trout Fishery Research Program
1987 Economics of Great Lakes fisheries: A 1985 assessment (Technical Report 54) Fishery Research Program
1987 Validation of sea lamprey age by statoliths in the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus Sea Lamprey Research Program
1987 Elemental composition of statoliths of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) (1987) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1987 Application of models of lake trout/sea lamprey interaction to the implementation of integrated pest management of sea lamprey in Lake Ontario Sea Lamprey Research Program
1987 The use of lamprey gonadotropin-releasing hormone and its analogs to control reproduction in the sea lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
1987 Effects of TFM and Bayer 73 on gill ultrastructure of sea lamprey ammocoetes and rainbow trout fry Sea Lamprey Research Program
1987 Development of an expert system for integrated management of sea lamprey: a feasibility study Sea Lamprey Research Program
1987 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1987 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1987 LEC FTG Annual Report (1987) Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group
1986 Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1985 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1986 A Lake trout rehabilitation plan for Lake Superior Lake Superior Committee
1986 Pathology of Sea Lamprey Inflicted Wounds on Rainbow Trout Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1986 The Lake Trout Rehabilitation Model: Program Documentation Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1986 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1986) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1986 Scale, otolith, and growth characteristics of juvenile lake trout-- criteria for discriminating between indigenous and hatchery fish from the natural environment Fishery Research Program
1986 Application of the results of Adaptive Environmental Assessment Management workshops sponsored by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission to the development and practice of multispecies fishery management Fishery Research Program
1986 Stocks structure of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) from the Great Lakes region as determined by chromosome and isozyme markers Fishery Research Program
1986 Parasitic phase of the sea lamprey, (Petromyzon marinus), in Oneida Lake, New York Sea Lamprey Research Program
1986 Use of hormones and their analogues to control reproduction in the sea lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
1986 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1986 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1985 Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1984 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1985 Lake Erie Fish Community Workshop Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Overfishing or Pollution? Case History of a Controversy on the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Response of Spawning-Phase Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) to a Lighted Trap Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 A Prospectus for the Management of the Long Point Ecosystem Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Movement and Capture of Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) Marked in Northern Lake Huron, 1981-82 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Review of Fish Species Introduced into the Great Lakes, 1819-1974 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Population Dynamics and Interagency Management of the Bloater (Coregonus hoyi) in Lake Michigan, 1967-1982 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Impact of Sea Lamprey Parasitism on the Blood Features and Hemopoietic Tissues of Rainbow Trout Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Toxicity of the Lampricides 3- Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) and 2', 5-Dichloro-4'-Nitrosalicylanilide (Bayer 73) to Eggs and Nymphs of the Mayfly (Hexagenia sp.) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Solid Bars of 3-Trifluoromethyl-4- Nitrophenol: A Simplified Method of Applying Lampricide to Small Streams Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Comparative Toxicity of the Lampricide 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol to Ammocetes of Three Species of Lampreys Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 A Workshop Concerning the Application of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Presented Papers from the Council of Lake Committees Plenary Session on Great Lakes Predator-Prey Issues, March 20, 1985 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Great Lakes Fish Disease Control Policy and Model Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Great Lakes Law Enforcement/Fisheries Management Workshop Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1985) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Otolith marking techniques for the early life history stages of lake trout Fishery Research Program
1985 A simple protocol to estimate relative abundance of sea lamprey from trout assessment data in Lake Superior Sea Lamprey Research Program
1985 Observability of lake trout mortality due to attacks by sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
1985 Effects of the lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) on the macroinvertebrates within the hyporheic region of a softwater creek Sea Lamprey Research Program
1985 Effects of the lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) on the macroinvertebrates of Wilmot Creek Sea Lamprey Research Program
1985 TFM (3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol) vs. the Sea Lamprey: A Generation Later Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1985 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1984 Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1983 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1984 Analysis of the Response to the Use of "Adaptive Environmental Assessment Methodology" by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1984 Working Papers Developed at the August 1983 Conference on Lake Trout Research Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1984 Strategies for Rehabilitation of Lake Trout in the Great Lakes: Proceedings of a Conference on Lake Trout Research, August 1983 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1984 Recommendations for Standardizing the Reporting of Sea Lamprey Marking Data Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1984 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1984) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1984 The international Great Lakes sport fishery of 1980 Fishery Research Program
1984 Unrevealed economic values of ecosystem management Fishery Research Program
1984 The use of calcareous otic elements (statoliths) to determine the age of sea lamprey ammocoetes (Petromyzon marinus) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1984 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1984 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1983 Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1982 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1983 A Guide to Integrated Fish Health Management in the Great Lakes Basin Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1983 Quota Management of Lake Erie Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1983 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1983) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1983 A joint plan for the rehabilitation of lake trout in Lake Ontario (1983) Lake Ontario Committee
1983 Isolation, gene flow, and genetic differentiation among populations Fishery Research Program
1983 Managing the Great Lakes basin as a home Fishery Research Program
1983 Biochemical genetic evidence for fish stocks in lake trout, bloater, and brook trout in the Great Lakes region (thesis) Fishery Research Program
1983 Application of quota management to yellow perch harvest in Lake Erie Fishery Research Program
1983 Application of chromosome banding techniques to stock identification in lake trout Fishery Research Program
1983 Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in northeastern North America: population structures and genetic affinities Sea Lamprey Research Program
1983 Endocrine control of lamprey reproduction Sea Lamprey Research Program
1983 Genetic variation among sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) ammocoetes from Lake Michigan and Lake Huron Sea Lamprey Research Program
1983 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1983 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1982 Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, and slimy sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1981 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1982 Green Bay in the Future-A Rehabilitative Prospectus Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1982 Identification of Larval Fishes of the Great Lakes Basin with Emphasis on the Lake Michigan Drainage Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1982 A Review of the Adaptive Management Workshop Addressing Salmonid/Lamprey Management in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1982 Recommendations for Freshwater Fisheries Research and Management from the Stock Concept Symposium (STOCS) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1982 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1982) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1982 Allocation of fishery resources with special reference to Great Lakes Fishery Research Program
1982 Comparison of four stocks of lake trout from the Upper Great Lakes with respect to early development Fishery Research Program
1982 Lamprey wounding standardization Sea Lamprey Research Program
1982 Application of decision analysis to sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
1981 Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, and slimy sculpins in Lake Michigan (with observations on the performance of Green Lake strain lake trout planted on the Sheboygan Reef) (1980) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1981 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1981) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1981 Application and testing of principles of stochastic dynamic programming in relation to quota deliberations for Lake Erie fish populations Fishery Research Program
1980 Status of bloater chubs and alewives in Lake Michigan (1979) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1980 Fluctuations in Lake Michigan Forage Fish Biomass, 1972-79 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1980 Minimum Size Limits for Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) in Western Lake Erie Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1980 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1980) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1980 Genetic identification of sea lamprey populations from the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
1979 Modeling the Western Lake Erie Walleye Population: A Feasibility Study Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Walleye Stocks in the Great Lakes, 1800-1975: Fluctuations and Possible Causes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Distribution and Ecology of Lampreys in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, 1957-75 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Efficacy of Antimycin for Control of Larval Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) in Lentic Habitats Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Effects of Granular 2', 5-Dichloro-4'-Nitrosalicylanilide (Bayer 73) on Benthic Macroinvertebrates in a Lake Environment Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Variations in Growth, Age of Transformation, and Sex Ratio of Sea Lampreys Reestablished in Chemically Treated Tributaries of the Upper Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Rehabilitating Great Lakes Ecosystems Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Annotated List of the Fishes of the Lake Ontario Watershed Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Illustrated Field Guide for the Classification of Sea Lamprey Attack Marks on Great Lakes Lake Trout Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Current estimates of Great Lakes fisheries values
1979 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1979) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Evaluation of optimal strategies for harvesting walleye in western Lake Erie Fishery Research Program
1979 Rearing of lake whitefish to fingerling size Fishery Research Program
1979 Current estimates of Great Lakes fisheries values: 1979 status report Fishery Research Program
1979 Detection of variability of isozyme loci in sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1979 Evaluation of barrier dams to adult sea lamprey migration Sea Lamprey Research Program
1978 Status of Alewives and Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan (1977) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1978 Chemosterilization of the Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1978 Biology of Larval and Metamorphosing Sea Lampreys Petromyzon marinus, of the 1960 Year Class in the Big Garlic River, Michigan, Part II, 1966-72 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1978 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1978) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1977 Status of Alewives and Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan (1976) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1977 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1977) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1976 Status of Major Species in Lake Michigan (1975) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1976 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1976) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1975 Status of Major Species in Lake Michigan (1974) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1975 Changes in the Lake Trout Population of Southern Lake Superior in Relation to the Fishery, the Sea Lamprey, and Stocking, 1950-70 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1975 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1975) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1974 Status of Major Species in Lake Michigan (1973) Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife
1974 Control of the Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in Lake Superior, 1953-70 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1974 Movement and Recapture of Parasitic-Phase Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) Tagged in the St. Marys River and Lakes Huron and Michigan, 1963-67 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1974 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1974) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1973 Microbial Degradation of the Lamprey Larvicide 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol in Sediment-Water Systems Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1973 Lake Superior: A Case History of the Lake and Its Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1973 LAKE MICHIGAN Man's Effects on Native Fish Stocks and Other Biota Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1973 LAKE HURON The Ecology of the Fish Community and Man's Effects on It Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1973 Effects of Exploitation, Environmental Changes, and New Species on the Fish Habitats and Resources of Lake Erie Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1973 A Review of the Changes in the Fish Species Composition of Lake Ontario Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1973 Some Impacts of Man on Kootenay Lake and Its Salmonoids Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1973 LAKE OPEONGO The Ecology of the Fish Community and of Man's Effects on It Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1973 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1973) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1972 New Parasite Records for Lake Erie Fish Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1972 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1972) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1971 Biology of Larval Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) of the 1960 Year Class, Isolated in the Big Garlic River, Michigan, 1960-1965 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1971 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1971) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1970 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1970) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1969 Limnological Survey of Lake Ontario, 1964 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1969 The Ecology and Management of the Walleye in Western Lake Erie Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1969 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1969) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1968 Population Characteristics and Physical Condition of Alewives, Alosa pseudoharengus, in a Massive Dieoff in Lake Michigan, 1967 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1968 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1968) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1967 Physical Limnology of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1967 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1967) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1966 Substituted Nitrosalicylanilides: A New Class of Selectively Toxic Sea Lamprey Larvicides Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1966 The Relation between Molecular Structure and Biological Activity among Mononitrophenols Containing Halogens Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1966 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1966) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1965 Experimental Control of Sea Lampreys with Electricity on the South Shore of Lake Superior, 1953-60 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1965 Detection and Measurement of Organic Lampricide Residues Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1965 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1965) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1964 Synergism of 5, 2'-dichloro-4'-Nitro-Salicylanilide and 3-Trifluormethyl-4-Nitrophenol in a Selective Lamprey Larvicide Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1964 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1964) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1963 Limnological Survey of Lake Erie, 1959 and 1960 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1963 The Use of Alkalinity and Conductivity Measurements to Estimate Concentrations of 3-Trifluormethyl-4-Nitrophenol Required for Treating Lamprey Streams Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1963 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1963) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1962 Collection and Analysis of Commercial Fishery Statistics in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1962 Estimation of the Brook and Sea Lamprey Ammocete Populations of Three Streams Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1962 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1962) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1962 A Photoelectric Amplifier as a Dye Detector Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1961 Fishery Statistical Districts of the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1961 Use of 3-Trifluormethyl-4-Nitrophenol as a Selective Sea Lamprey Larvicide Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1961 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1961) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1960 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1960) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1959 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1959) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1958 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1958) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1957 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1957) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1956 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1956) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1954 Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries The United States of America and Canada
1950 Natural history of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, in Michigan
1926 Fishing Industry of the Great Lakes U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries
-0001 Using a comparative transcriptomics approach to increase potency and specific of lampricide treatments Sea Lamprey Research Program
1969 Expense Report for Cooperators (short) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1969 Expense Report for Cooperators (long) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
Freighter Offloading
Ocean-Going Vessel
Army Corps of Engineers Tug Boat
Sterile Male Release
Sterile Male Injector
Holding Tanks, Hammond Bay Biological Station
Sea Lamprey Sterilization Process
Sterile Male Release
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Attached
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Smoked Chubs
Commercial Catch Prepared for Smoking
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Lake Trout With Sea Lamprey Attached
Splake with Sea Lamprey Attached
Lake Trout with Sea Lamprey Attached
Sea Lamprey Assessment by Boat
Low Head Barrier
Brule River Barrier
Sea Lamprey Barrier
Lamprey Assessment - Electro-fishing
Lamprey Assessment - Electro-fishing
Lamprey Assessment - Electro-fishing
Cheboygan River Dam
Cheboygan Wetland
European Flounder
Low Head Barrier
Rotary Screw Transformer Trap
Sea Lamprey Trap
Adult Sea Lamprey on Rock
Transformer Mouth
Sea Lamprey Larvae in Electro-fishing Paddle
Sea Lamprey Eye
Mass of Sea Lamprey
Parasitic Sea Lampreu Mouth
Sea Lamprey Mouth
Transformer and Adult Sea Lamprey on Rock
Adult Sea Lamprey on Glass with Transformer
Transformer and Adult Sea Lamprey Mouths
Sea Lamprey Larvae
Sea Lamprey Ammocete
Transformer Mouth
Indian River Marsh
Elodea Densa
Water Hyacinth
Administering Lampricide
Granular Bayulcide Sprayer Boat
Granular Bayulcide Sprayer Boat
Measuring TFM Concentrations
Conducting TFM Analysis
Conducting Water and TFM Analysis
Bayluscide Granular Buckets
Water and TFM Analysis
Low Head Barrier
Sea Lamprey Research Raceway
Pheromone Field Trials
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Research
Ocqueoc River Electrical Barrier
Sea Lamprey Trap
Brule Barrier and Fish Ladder
Sea Lamprey Barrier
Low Head Barrier
Recreational Fishing
Bridges and Tessels
Mackinac Bridge
Mackinac Bridge
Caribou Island Lighthouse
Shipping Lochs and International Bridge
Caribou Island Lighthouse Turret Sunset
Caribou Island Lightstation
Alewife Die Off
Blood Shrimp
Silver Carp
Asian Carp Jumping in Boat Wake
Asian Carp Explosion
Silver Carp, Close-Up of Face
Round Goby
Zebra Mussel
Ontario Provincial Conservation Officer
Ontario Provincial Conservation Officer Observing Recreational Vessel
Conservation Officer on Patrol
Bay Mills Conservation Officer Inspects Tribal Fishing Vessel
Conservation Officers Inspect Tribal Fishing Vessel
Vernon Applegate Receiving Award, Historical
Recreational Fishing Boat Launch, Historical
Charter Boat with Outriggers, Historical
Opening the St. Lawrence Seaway, Historical
Old Electrical Sea Lamprey Barrier
Old Electric Sea Lamprey Barrier
Chateaugay Hatchery, Disinfection
Salmon River Fish Hatchery, Holding Tanks
Wild Rose Fish Hatchery
Father and Son with Walleye
Tribal fishing
Charter Fishing Boat
Charter Fishing Boats
Commercial Fishing Vessel
Charter Fishing Boat Heading into Lake Michigan
Charter Fishing Boat Heading into Lake Michigan
Charter Fishing Boat
Charter Fishing Boat - Fishing Pole Array
Charter Fishing Boat - Fishing Pole Array
Commercial Fishing Vessels
Commercial Fishing Vessel
Commercial Fishing Boat in Harbor
Fishing Lures - Northport Nailers, Flutterchuck Spoons
Steelhead and Brown Trout Flies
Fly Fisherman on the Cheboygan River
Fly Fishing in Stream
Fly Fishing in Fog
Boy Fishing on Dock
Boy and Grandfather Fishing
Boy and Grandfather Fishing
Boy Fishing
Boy Fishing
Boy Waiting for Fish
Boys Catching Fish
Boys Reaching for Fish with Net
Boys Fishing, Looking at Their Catch
Boys on a Fishing Trip
Boy Fishing off Dock
Kids Fishing
Fishermen in Boat
Fishermen in Boats
Recreational Boat on Lake, Historical
Fishing Lures
Palomino Trout in Hatchery
Lake Sturgeon with Sea Lamprey Wounds
Trout Jumping over Sea Lamprey Barrier
Mackinac Island Straight Lighthouse
School of Alewives
Dead Alewives on Beach
Zebra Mussels Coating a Native Clam
Fish Passage, Old Electric Sea Lamprey Barrier
Allegheny National Fish Hatchery
Commercial Fishing Vessel
Mass Marking, Platte River
Fly Fisherman
Boy Fishing
Fly Fisherman and his Dog
Kids Fishing
Fishermen in Boats
Dry Weighing Fish
Inserting Floy Tag into Lake Whitefish
Gillnetting on Lake Huron
Prey Fish Survey
Fyke Netting on the Wolf River, Ontario
Fish Tagging
Setting Fyke Net in Lake Michigan
Lake Huron Sampling
Fish Sampling on Lake Huron
Lake Huron Larval Fish Sampling
Scientists Collecting Zooplankton
Zooplankton Sampling Net
Lake Trout Research
Fisheries Research
Zooplankton Net Sampling
Chinook Salmon
Deepwater Sculpin
Mackinac Island Straight Lighthouse
Ile Parisienne Lighthouse
American Eel
Lake Sturgeon
Lake Trout
Lake Trout Fry
Juvenile Lake Trout
Fisherman with Chum Salmon
Landlocked Salmon
Largemouth Bass
Coho Salmon
Long Ear Sunfish
Northern Pike
Great Lakes Lighthouse
Pumpkinseed Sunfish
Grand Haven Lighthouse
Sculpin from Lake Huron
Smelt Harvest
Lake Erie White Perch
School of Whitefish
Yellow Perch
Yellow Perch
Bayulcide Sprayer Boat
Measuring TFM Concentrations
Lampricide Treatment in Stream
Recreational Fishing Boats, Historical
Sailboat, Historical
Parasitic Sea Lamprey Mouth
Commercial Nets Drying, Historical
Drying Commercial Fish Catch, Historical
Proximity Antenna
Sea Lamprey Assessment using Mobile Antenna
Pheromone Research
Spencer F. Baird Research Vessel
Dock in Water
Sturgeon Research Vessel
Signatories of the Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries
Scenic Habitat
Tribal Fishing
Pheromone Research
Cheboygan Wetland
Indian River Marsh
Stream Bank and Near Shore Habitat
Baylucide Treatment Equipment
Helicopter Bayluscide Application
Palomino Trout in Hatchery
Atlantic Salmon
Arctic Cisco
Great Lakes Cisco
Lake Sturgeon
Lake Sturgeon Mouth
Juvenile Lake Sturgeon
Lake Sturgeon
Sculpin from Lake Huron
Sculpin from Lake Huron
Comparison of Adirondack Native Fish
Anadromous Brown Trout
Brook Trout
Brook Trout
Brook Trout
Brook Trout
Wild Lake Trout
Lake Trout
Lake Trout Eggs
Lake Trout Egg
Brown Trout
Rainbow Trout
Trout Comparison
Trout Jumping Over Barrier
American Eel
Arctic Char
Arctic Grayling
Quillback Sucker
Comparison of Shiners
Green Sunfish
Largemouth Bass
Largemouth Bass
Allegheny National Fish Hatchery
Fish Hatchery, Pipes Running Back to Holding Channels
Caribou Island, Rock Outcrop
Grand Traverse Bay Sunrise
Sunset over Lake Huron
Lake Michigan Shoreline
Michigan Marina
Fish Hatchery Sorting Bins
Sailboat at the Mouth of St. Marys River
Lake Nipigon Shoreline
Lake Superior Shoreline
Rotary Screw Transformer Trap
Sea Lamprey Trap in Small Tributary
Larval Sea Lamprey Tagging
Sea Lamprey Research
Using High Powered Microscope to Examine Coded Wire Tags
Sea Lamprey Flume
Pheromone Research: Blood Plasma Seperation
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Lab Equipment
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Assessment Fences
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Field Trials
Aerial View of Hammond Bay Biological Station
Hammond Bay Biological Station
Hammond Bay Biological Station
Sea Lamprey Mouth
Sea Lamprey Mouth
Sea Lamprey Mouth
Profile View of Adult Sea Lamprey
Angler Holding Fish with Sea Lamprey Wounds
Lamprey Assessment - Electro-fishing
Cheboygan River Dam
Low-Head Barrier Dam
Sea Lamprey Trap
Sea Lamprey Trap
Sea Lamprey in Trap
Fish Wheel Sea Lamprey Trap
Fish Wheel Sea Lamprey Trap
Checking Sea Lamprey Trap
Checking Sea Lamprey Trap
Sea Lamprey Trap
Sea Lamprey Trap
Sea Lamprey Telemetry
Tagging Sea Lamprey
Tagging Sea Lamprey
Tagging Sea Lamprey
Sea Lamprey Tag
Sea Lamprey Tagging
Sea Lamprey Tagging
Sea Lamprey Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Sea Lamprey Research
Fisheries Research
Fisheries Research
Fisheries Research
Tribal Fishing
Tribal Fishing Boat
Tribal Fishing Boat
Tribal Fishing Boat
Tribal Fishing Stockhouse
Boy Ice Fishing, with Catch
Fisherman with King Salmon
Father and Son Fishing off Dock
Fishermen in Boats at Walleye Derby
Fisher with King Salmon
Fisherman with Salmon
Fisherman with Steelhead
Recreational Fishing Gear
Young Fisherman with Yellow Perch
Fisherman with Walleye
Fisherman with Walleye
Fisherman with Walleye
Kids Fishing
Fisherman with Walleye
Fishing in the Moonlight
Fly Fisherman
Fishing off Dock
Fly Fishing
Girls Fishing off Dock
Recreational Fishing
Charter Fishing Boat
Fishing on Charter Fishing Boat
Charter Fishing Boat
Lures on Charter Fishing Boat
Commercial Fishing Vessel
Commercial Fishing Vessel
Fish Stocking
Fish Stocking
Mass Marking, Platte River
Mass Marking, Platte River
Mass Marking Equipment
Mass Marking, Fry Moving Through Tube
Mass Marking, Fry Moving Through Tube
Mass Marking Trailer
Mass Marking Equipment
Mass Marking Tag Reader
Mass Marking
Mass Marking, Fish in Tube
Mass Marking Equipment
Mass Marking Equipment
Mass Marking Trailer
Law Enforcement Vessel, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Law Enforcement Vessel, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
U.S. Coast Guard Helicopter and Vessel
Ontario Conservation Officer Inspects Fishing Vessel
Michigan Department of Natural Resources Conservation Officer
Bay Mills Conservation Officer Inspecting Tribal Fishing Vessel
Michigan Department of Natural Resources Conservation Officer Inspecting Commercial Fish Processing House
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Conservation Officer and Ontario Provincial Police on Patrol
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Conservation Officer and Ontario Provincial Police on Patrol
Ohio Division of Wildlife Conservation Officer on Patrol
Ohio Division of Wildlife Conservation Officer on Patrol
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Habitat Protection Officer
Prey Survey
Prey Survey Trawl Net
Research Vessel Sturgeon
Fisheries Research
Fisheries Research
Fisheries Research
Silver Carp
Flying Silver Carp
Flying Silver Carp, Close-up
Flying Silver Carp
Indian River Open-Water Marsh
Indian River Tree Bank
Ocqueoc River
Scenic Lake Nipigon
Ocqueoc River
Scenic River
Tahquamenon Falls
Mackinac Island Straight Lighthouse
Pte au Baril Lighthouse
Manistique Lighthouse
Gros Cap Reef Lighthouse
Little Point Sable Lighthouse
Caribou Island Grassland and Beach
Lake Michigan Foggy Shore
Whitefish Point
Lake Michigan Beach
Caribou Island Beach and Bay
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls
Tahquamenon Falls
Rocky Shoreline
Whitefish Point
Whitefish Point
Caribou Island Lighthouse Sunset
Scenic Lake
Caribou Island Rocky Shoreline
Rocky Shoreline
Caribou Island Rocky Shoreline
Lake Michigan Sunset
Waves Crashing, Lake Superior
Waves Crashing, Lake Superior
Old Mechanical Sea Lamprey Barrier
Ice Fishing, Historical
Drying Fish, Historical
Fisherman Pulling in Nets, Historical
Fisherman with Wire Traps, Historical
Loading Fish onto Sled, Historical
Opening Day of Fishing Season, Historical
Fishermen, Historical
Northern Pike, Historical
Lake Sturgeon, Historical
Large Commercial Catch, Historical
Large Commercial Catch, Historical
Large Commercial Catch, Historical
Fisherman Setting Nets, Historical
Article, Ann Arbor Headquarters of Fisheries Commission
Article, Commons Passes Bill Declaring War on Lampreys
Article, Eisenhower Sends Senate Lamprey Pact
Article, Lamprey Fund 1,000,000
Article, VerDuin Informed of Appointment of U.S. Commission
Drawing of Commercial Fishery Catch, Historical
Drawing, Fish Market Near River, Historical
Drawing, Moving Logs in Stream, Historical
Drawing, Fishing From Canoes, Historical
Drawing, Recreational Fishing, Historical
Drawing, Tribal Fishing by Torch, Historical
Drawing, River and Boat Trade on the River, Historical
Drawing, River with Significant Growth on Banks, Historical
Drawing, Pulling Commercial Fishing Nets, Historical
Drawing, Logging, Historical
Drawing, Logging, Historical
Drawing, Recreational Boating, Historical
Drawing, Historical Map of Great Lakes Region
Bald Eagle
Cormorants in Water
Cormorant on Grass
Cormorants in Nest
Dobson Fly, Adult
Dragonfly in Reeds
Dragonfly, Closeup
Mayfly, Adult
Mayfly, Nymph
Mayfly, Nymph
Frog on Lily Pads
Adam E. Cornelius Freighter
Adam E. Cornelius Freighter
Goldeneye Freighter
Freighter on Lake Huron
Michipicoten Freighter
International Freighter
International Freighter
John J. Boland Entering Lochs at Sault. Ste Marie
Milwaukee Shoreline
Fly Fisherman
Rope Tissue Visible on Male Sea Lamprey
Dead Sea Lamprey Larvae
Rope Tissue Visible on Male Sea Lamprey
Rope Tissue Visible on Male Sea Lamprey
Rope Tissue Visible on Male Sea Lamprey
Sea Lamprey Larval Analysis After Lampricide Treatment
Sea Lamprey Spawning on Nest
Sea Lamprey Spawning on Nest
Sea Lamprey Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Sea Lamprey Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Sea Lamprey Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Water Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Water Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Water Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Water Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Water Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Water Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Stream Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Water Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Stream Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Stream Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Sea Lamprey Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Sea Lamprey Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Stream Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Stream Analysis Equipment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Sea Lamprey Control Agents Planning Lampricide Treatments
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Little Carp Stop Log Barrier
Trail Creek Barrier and Fish Ladder Trap
Trail Creek Barrier and Fish Ladder Trap
Trail Creek Barrier and Fish Ladder Trap
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Research
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Research
Sea Lamprey Trap
Sea Lamprey Trap
Biologist Recording Sea Lamprey Tagging Data
Sea Lamprey Coded Wire Tagging
Pheromone Field Trials
Sea Lamprey Transformer Net Test
Sea Lamprey Transformer Net
Pheromone Field Trials
Synthesized Sea Lamprey Pheromone
Pheromone Field Trials
Pheromone Field Trials
Sea Lamprey Transformer Net Test
Pheromone Field Trials
Pheromone Field Trials
Pheromone Field Trials
Fin Clipping Sea Lamprey
Charter Fishing
Charter Fishing
Charter Fishing
Charter Fishing
Stream Habitat
Great Lakes Beach
Great Lakes Beach
Stream Habitat
Great Lakes Beach
Great Lakes Beach
Great Lakes Beach
Great Lakes Beach
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Scuba Diver Examining Fry Trap
Scuba Diver Descends
Lake Sturgeon Assessment
Measuring Lake Sturgeon
Lake Sturgeon Assessment
Research - Sediment Samples
Biologists Identify Research Sites on Lake Huron Map
Lake Trout Acoustic Telemetry
Lake Trout Fry Traps
Lake Trout Fry Traps
Acoustic Telemetry Equipment
Acoustic Telemetry Equipment
Lake Trout Fry Trap Deployment
Scuba Diver Enters Water
Acoustic Telemetry Equipment
Acoustic Telemetry Equipment
Tagging Walleye
Weather Buoy
Biologist holding whitefish
Parasitic Sea Lamprey on Lake Trout
Mass of Sea Lampreys
Sea Lamprey Mouth
Parasitic sea lamprey attached to lake trout
Sea lamprey mouth
Sea lamprey transformer
Sea lamprey larvae
Sea lamprey larva
Sea lamprey wound on fish
Sea lamprey wound on fish
Sea lamprey wound on salmon
Sea lamprey attached to fish
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Fish with Sea Lamprey Wounds
Sea Lamprey Assessment
Sea Lamprey Assessment
Sea Lamprey Assessment - Dye Study
Sea Lamprey Assessment
Larval Assessment
Larval Assessment
Measuring TFM Concentrations
Lampricide Treatment
Remote Analysis
Containers of Lampricide
Measuring TFM Concentrations
Feeder Pump
Feed Check
Feed check
Feed check
Remote Analysis
Feed Check
Spreader Hose
Feed Check
Bayluscide Treatment Preparation
St. Mary's River Bayluscide Treatment
Bayluscide Treatment
Bayluscide Treatment
Bayluscide Treatment
Bayluscide Treatment
Bayluscide Treatment
Bayluscide Application
Trail Creek Sea Lamprey Barrier
Harpersfield Dam Sea Lamprey Barrier
Checking Sea Lamprey Trap
Checking Sea Lamprey Trap
Spawning Sea Lamprey
Spawning Sea Lamprey
Sea Lamprey Alarm Cue
Sea Lamprey Spawning
Sea Lamprey Eggs on Rocks
Sea Lamprey Eggs on Rocks
Anglers in Boats
Anglers on the Detroit River
Anglers on the Detroit River
Boats in Harbor
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Boats in Harbor
Fishing on the Detroit River
Boats in Harbor
Lake Erie Charter Fishing
Commercial Gill Net Tugs
Trap Net Boat
Tagged Sucker
Tagged Sucker
Tagging Fish
Juvenile Cisco (Coregonus artedi)
Weighing Sucker
Sturegon Tagging
Lake Sturgeon
Baby sturgeon
Lake Sturgeon
Brook Trout
Brook Trout
Releasing Brown Trout
Blackened Walleye
Long Nose Sucker
Long Nose Sucker
Big Manistee River, Michigan
Big Manistee River, Michigan
Lake Huron Sunset
Lake Erie Sunset
Sea Lampreys Swimming in a River
Sea Lamprey Larvae
Sea Lamprey Attached to Rock
Sea Lamprey Attached to Brown Trout
Fish with Sea Lamprey Wound
Repairing Electrofishing Backpack
Sea Lamprey Assessment
Larval Assessment
Measuring Discharge
Measuring Stream Discharge
Measuring Stream Discharge
Measuring Water Chemistry
Measuring Stream Discharge
Measuring pH
Measuring pH
Lampricide Treatment
Recording Data
Feeder Setup
Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment
Tahquamenon Falls Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment Planning
Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment
Collecting Larvae After Treatment
Measuring Lampricide Concentrations
Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment
Bayluscide Application
Bayluscide Application
Bayluscide Application
Sea Lamprey Barrier
Sea Lamprey Barrier
Little Manistee River weir
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Research
Fertilized Sea Lamprey Eggs
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Larvae
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Reproduction
Sea Lampreys Making Nest
Sea Lampreys on Nest
Spawning Sea Lampreys
Spawning Sea Lampreys
Spawning Sea Lampreys
Lake Erie Charter Fishing
RV Kiyi
RV Kiyi and Saildrone
Lake Michigan Sunset on RV Kiyi
Sturgeon Tagging
Lake Sturgeon
Sturgeon Release
Sturgeon Release
Sydenham River
St. Mary's River
St. Mary's River
Upper Niagara River, Peace Bridge in the Background
Ashland Breakwater Lighthouse
Tahquamenon Falls - Upper Falls
Tahquamenon Falls - Upper Falls
Lake Michigan Sunset
Lake Michigan
Lake Michigan
Great Blue Heron
Snapping Turtle
Young Angler With Catch
Lake Erie Sunset
Monarch Butterfly
Recording Data on Lake Sturgeon
Deploying Acoustic Telemetry Receiver
Setting Lake Sturgeon Lines
Pulling in Lake Sturgeon
Hatchery Fish in Tank
Lake Trout Eggs in Hatchery
Family Fishing
Recreational Fishing Boat
Sea lamprey sticking to hand
Three Sizes of Lamprey
Sea Lamprey Wound on Salmon
Sea Lamprey on Lake Trout
Backpack Electro-fishing
Underwater View of Electro-fishing
Electro-fishing Larval Sea Lamprey
Sea Lamprey Assessment on Boat
Underwater Larval Assessement
Successful Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) in Lab
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide Treatment Water Sampling
Spraying Bayluscide
Bayluscide Treatment
Bayluscide Treatment on Lake Nipigon
Adjustable Sea Lamprey Barrier
Dam and Sea Lamprey Barrier
Fish Wheel
Scooping Sea Lamprey Out of Trap
Emptying Sea Lamprey Trap
Removing Sea Lamprey from Trap
Emptying Sea Lamprey Trap
Dorsal Fin Clipping Sea Lamprey
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Research
Dye and Velocity Tests in Stream
Sea Lamprey Building Nest
Sea Lamprey Building Nest
Sea Lamprey Mating on Nest
Male Sea Lamprey Aggression on Nest
Lampreys Mating on Nest
Larval Sea Lamprey Swimming in Stream
Larval Sea Lamprey Swimming in Water
Larval Sea Lamprey Swimming in Water
Sea Lamprey Moving through Rocky Stream
Niagara Falls
Busy Day on the Chicago River
Asian Carp Swimming, Up Close
Asian Carp Haul in Net, Boat
Asian Carp Jumping, Boat View 7
Asian Carp Jumping, View at Water Level
Asian Carp Jumping, Boat View 5
Asian Carp Jumping, Boat View 6
Asian Carp Jumping, Boat View 2
Asian Carp Jumping, Boat View 3
Asian Carp Jumping, Boat View 4
Tag in Lake Trout Releasing with Eggs
Lake Trout Fry
Asian Carp Jumping, Boat View 1
Tagging Lake Trout
Lake Trout After Tag Placement
Retrieving Acoustic Telemetry Receivers
Tagging Sea Lamprey
Tagging Lake Sturgeon
Acoustic Telemetry Receiver Underwater
Acoustic Telemetry Tag
Scuba Diver Placing Egg Collection Bag
Sea Lamprey on Lake Trout
Sea Lamprey on Lake Trout
Sea Lamprey Alarm Response
Trapping Sea Lamprey Using Fyke Nets
Trapping Sea Lamprey Using a Fish Wheel
Lake Trout Fry Traps
Lake Trout Fry Swimming
Lake Trout Fry Swimming
Eight Days on Lake Superior Aboard the R/V Kiyi
Deploying Acoustic Telemetry Receiver
Snake Eating Lamprey
Lake Trout on Spawning Reef
Lake Trout on Spawning Reef
Lake Trout on Spawning Reef
Lake Trout on Spawning Reef
Lake Sturgeon Spawning
Lake Trout on Spawning Reef
Whitefish on Spawning Reef
Whitefish on Spawning Reef
Whitefish on Spawning Reef
Walleye Tagging on the Detroit River
Rifle River Lampricide Treatment
Acoustic Telemetry in the Great Lakes