U.S. Advisors
The Great Lakes Fisheries Act of 1956 authorized the appointment of advisors to the U.S. Section of the commission "to examine and be heard on all proposed recommendations, programs, and activities relating to [the lake they represent]." The U.S. Section appoints advisors from each lake from a list provided by the Great Lakes state governors. Consideration is given to interests of state agencies, the commercial fish industry, sport fishermen, and the public-at-large.
Canadian Advisors
The Great Lakes Fishery Commission appoints a Canadian committee of advisors, made up of key stakeholders and leaders in the region. The advisors examine and are heard on issues of importance to the Great Lakes fishery and ecosystem. They assist the commissioners in making informed decisions in support of Commission objectives.
Members (United States)
- Dennis Grinold, Chair
- Don Arcuri, Vice Chair, Lower Lakes
- Paul Jensen, Vice Chair, Upper Lakes
- Peter Alex
- Charles Blaas
- Randy Claramunt
- Brad Eggold**
- Michael Estes
- Jim Francis**
- Lee Haasch
- Patrick Hanchin**
- Travis Hartman
- Charles Haslerud
- Justine Hasz
- Matthew Hehn
- Jeff Herr
- Dennis Hickey
- Eric Hirzel
- Craig Hoopman
- Steve LaPan
- Thomas Lauer
- Chris Legard
- Dan Makauskas **
- Andy Mikos *
- Ashley Moerke
- Jennifer Nalbone
- Dave Nihart
- Eric Obert
- Judy Ogden
- Charles Pistis
- Bruce Prentice
- Jeremy Price **
- Michael Ptak
- Jason Robinson
- Michael Ryan
- Vic Santucci
- Patrick Schmalz
- Phil Schneeberger
- Steve Scott
- Titus Seilheimer
- Stuart Sivertson
- Danny Tanner
- Jay Wesley **
- Tod Williams
- Jim Zorn
Members (Canada)
- Tom Whillans, Chair
- John Jackson, Vice Chair
- David Browne
- Matt DeMille
- Cherie-Lee Fietsch
- Vito Figliomeni
- Jim Ginn
- Cam Mack
- Brad McNevin
- Greg Nadjiwon *
- George Purvis

*Designate **Alternate
Press Releases
- Advisors To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Pass Resolution Calling For Immediate Intervention And Resolution To Remedy Faulty Machinery Of Governance Crisis With Government Of Canada (2023)
- Advisors to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Pass Resolutions Addressing Cormorant Management, Canada’s Fisheries Act, and Funding for the U.S. National Sea Grant Program (2018)
- Fishery Advisors Pass Resolutions Addressing a Variety of Issues That Have the Potential to Affect the Health and Sustainability of Great Lakes Fisheries (2016)
- U.S. and Canadian Committee of Advisors oppose City of Waukesha's request to divert water from Lake Michigan (2016)
Archived releases can be accessed through the Publication Search.
- A Resolution Urging for the Transition of The Great Lakes Fishery Commission's Canadian Budget Portfolio to Global Affairs Canada
- A Resolution In Support Of Reauthorizing The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Through The GLRI Act Of 2024
- A Resolution Supporting Legislative Efforts To Establish A Canadian Version Of The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative As Part Of Canada’S Work To Establish A National Freshwater Action Plan
- A Resolution Supporting The Launch And Tooling Of A Fully Funded, Independent Canada Water Agency With A Substantial Great Lakes Focus
- A Resolution Calling For Alternatives And Best Available Technologies To Effectively Elminate The Risk Of An Oil Spill From Line 5 In The Straits Of Mackinac
- A Resolution In Support Of Governance Best Practices Attained By Transitioning The Commission’s Machinery Of Government Responsibilities To Global Affairs Canada
- A Resolution Calling For Great Lakes Fishery Commission Commissioner Appointments
- A Resolution that the GLFC Provide Leadership on Canadian and U.S. Action to Achieve the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
- Marine protected areas and the 30x30 initiative
Archived resolutions can be accessed through the Publication Search.