Lake Ontario Committee

The Lake Ontario Committee consists of senior staff members from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. The Committee's purposes are to:

  • consider issues pertinent to, or referred by, the Commission;
  • consider issues and problems of common concern to member agencies;
  • develop and coordinate joint programs and research projects; and
  • serve as a forum for state, provincial, tribal, and federal agencies.

Lake Ontario Committee Terms of Reference


  • Andy Todd, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Chair
  • Christopher Legard, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Vice Chair

Updated: May, 2023

Lake Ontario Technical Committee and Task Groups

The Lake Ontario Technical Committee consists of fishery biologists from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Geological Survey. The Technical Committee's purposes are to:

  • conduct work assignments as requested and prioritized by the LOC;
  • coordinate federal, state, provincial and non-governmental science-based assessment and research programs focused on the topics described by the LOC;
  • facilitate technical information sharing and discussion;
  • create ad hoc working groups, as needed, to complete work assignments;
  • report to LOC on findings, technical information, and recommended management actions and research needs;
  • with LOC direction, coordinate, organize and present the LOC report to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission at the annual meeting of the Lake Ontario Committee; and
  • on a five year cycle and with LOC direction, coordinate, organize and prepare a written "State of Lake Ontario Report", including updates on status of progress toward achieving Lake Ontario Fish Community Objectives, for submission to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission.

Lake Ontario Technical Committee Terms of Reference

Meeting minutes from the technical committee meetings may be available on the Publication Search.

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