Lake Huron Committee

The Lake Huron Committee consists of senior staff members from Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Chippewa-Ottawa Resource Authority. The Committee's purposes are:

  • consider issues pertinent to, or referred by, the commission;
  • consider issues and problems of common concern to member agencies;
  • develop and coordinate joint programs and research projects; and
  • serve as a forum for state, provincial, tribal, and federal agencies.

Lake Huron Committee Terms of Reference


  • Bruce Mighton, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Chair
  • Doug Schultz, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Vice-Chair
  • Tom Gorenflo, Chippewa-Ottawa Resource Authority

Updated: Jan, 2024

Lake Huron Technical Committee and Task Groups

The Lake Huron Technical Committee consists of fishery biologists from Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, the Chippewa-Ottawa Resource Authority, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Geological Survey. The Technical Committee's purposes are to:

  • provide agencies represented on the Committee with technical information on the status of stocks including management alternatives and guidelines in making and evaluating fisheries management decisions;
  • arrange for resource persons to assist the members as required; and
  • recommend to the LHC the need for the formation of a specialized task group to address a specific issue outside of the scope of the LHTC;
  • advise the Committee Chair of any additional funding or other requirements as needed.

Lake Huron Technical Committee Terms of Reference

The efforts of the Lake Huron Technical Committee are supported by the St. Marys River Fishery Task Group.

St. Marys River Fishery Task Group Terms of Reference

Meeting minutes from the technical committee meetings may be available on the Publication Search.

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