Council of Lake Committees

The Council of Lake Committees is composed of representatives from state, tribal, and provincial agencies represented on Lakes Committees, for a maximum of twenty-one members:

  • Lake Ontario Committee: New York, Ontario
  • Lake Erie Committee: Michigan, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania
  • Lake Huron Committee: Michigan, Ontario, Chippewa-Ottawa Resource Authority
  • Lake Michigan: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Chippewa-Ottawa Resource Authority
  • Lake Superior Committee: Michigan, Minnesota, Ontario, Wisconsin, Chippewa-Ottawa Resource Authority, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, 1854 Treaty Authority, Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa

The Committee's purposes are to:

  • consider issues pertinent to, or referred by, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission;
  • consider issues and problems of common concern to member agencies;
  • develop and coordinate joint programs and research projects;
  • serve as a forum for state, provincial, tribal, and federal agencies; and
  • respond to requests made to it by any of the Lake Committees.

Council of Lake Committees Terms of Reference

  • Travis Hartman, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Chair
  • Bruce Mighton, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Vice Chair
  • Membership includes all Lake Committee members

Updated: May, 2023

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Quantitative Fisheries Center

The Quantitative Fisheries Center (QFC) is is an essential partner to the Commission’s science and fishery management programs. The QFC was established at Michigan State University in July 2005 to (1) build greater capacity within fishery management agencies to use quantitative methods; (2) improve quantitative methods for assessing fish stocks; (3) assist agencies in the use of model-based approaches to decision making; and (4) develop a better understanding of fish community and population dynamics. The QFC is jointly funded by Michigan State University, Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Michigan DNR, Ohio DNR, Minnesota DNR, Wisconsin DNR, Illinois DNR, Pennsylvania FBC, New York State DEC, Ontario MNRF, and Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission. The QFC provides three main services to partner agencies: (1) innovative research on new approaches for quantitative science in support of fishery management; (2) outreach to assist in continued application of decision tools developed through partnerships with fishery agencies, and; (3) training in quantitative fishery techniques for graduate students and mid-career professionals in fishery management agencies. Since its inception, the QFC has been jointly led by two professors in MSU’s Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, James Bence and Michael Jones.